Modelling and Optimization of Telocommunication Networks and Systems

Major: Technologies and Means of Telecommunications
Code of subject: 7.172.06.E.022
Credits: 5.00
Department: Electronics and Information Technology
Lecturer: Asoc. Prof. Pashkevych Volodymyr
Semester: 2 семестр
Mode of study: денна
Мета вивчення дисципліни: Formation and development of general and professional competences, which involve the acquisition of theoretical and practical knowledge and skills in methods of modeling and optimization of telecommunication systems.
Завдання: 1. Expand knowledge of modern telecommunications and informatics. 2. Study: • principles of operation and construction of next-generation telecommunication networks; • theoretical foundations of building telecommunications network management systems; 3. Acquisition of practical skills for finding optimal options for building telecommunication systems.
Learning outcomes: By the end of the study, learners are expected to: Know: theoretical foundations of modeling and optimization of telecommunications systems and networks, finding optimal options for building telecommunications networks and systems, optimal selection of equipment parameters during their design and development. Be able to: apply acquired theoretical knowledge in practice when solving problems of synthesis, analysis and optimization of telecommunications networks, systems and devices
Required prior and related subjects: Prerequisites: • Design of telecommunication systems and networks; • Telecommunications standards and protocols. Corequisites: Internet of things
Summary of the subject: The educational discipline "Modeling and optimization of telecommunication networks" involves studying the basics of mathematical modeling and optimization of complex systems. When studying the discipline, the basics of creating analytical and simulation models of systems of various classes, issues of model time management, planning of model experiments and processing of the obtained results are considered. The main emphasis is on simulation modeling based on the model of statistical tests, algorithms for generating sequences of random numbers with different distribution laws, criteria for evaluating statistical hypotheses and methods for evaluating the quality of developed models are also considered. Special attention is paid to the study of practical aspects of simulation modeling and optimization of telecommunication systems and networks, their components and parameters
Опис: Basic concepts of the theory of modeling systems and networks. Methods of modeling telecommunication systems and networks. Fundamentals of mathematical modeling. Simulation modeling in telecommunications systems. The theory of mass service systems in the problems of modeling telecommunications systems and networks. • Simulation of random variables. • Models of signals and disturbances in telecommunications systems. • Methods of optimizing the parameters of telecommunications systems and networks. • Elements of optimization theory on graphs and networks. • Practical tasks on modeling and optimization of telecommunications systems and networks.
Assessment methods and criteria: Methods of evaluation: - current control (implementation of laboratory work, verification of knowledge of theoretical material and practical skills) - examination control (writing exam papers and oral interviews).
Критерії оцінювання результатів навчання: Current control: laboratory reports, oral interviewing – 20 points. Final control: written and verbal examination; written part – 70 points, verbal part – 10 points.
Recommended books: 1. Оптимізація та моделювання пристроїв і систем зв’язку / В.К. Стеклов, Л.Н. Беркман, Є.В. Кільчицький. — Київ, Техніка, 2004 — 576 с. 2. Математическое моделирование систем связи: учебное пособие / К.К. Васильев, М.Н. Служивый. — Ульяновск : УлГТУ, 2008. — 170 с. 3. Математичне моделювання телекомунікаційних систем та мереж: навчальний посібник. / Є.М. Чернихівський — Львів: Видавництво Львівської політехніки, 2011. — 272 с. 4. Основы построения телекоммуникационных систем и сетей: Учебник для вузов / В.В. Крухмалев, В.Н. Гордиенко, А.Д. Моченов и др.; под ред. В.В. Крухмалев, В.Н. Гордиенко. — М.: Горячая линия — Телеком, 2004. — 510 с.: ил. 5. Телекомунікаційні мережі : Підруч. для студ. вищ. навч. закл. за напрямком «Телекомунікації» / В.К. Стеклов, Л.Н. Беркман — К.: Техніка, 2001. — 392 с.: іл. 6. Математичні основи моделювання телекомунікаційних систем: підручник. За загальною редакцією Захарченко М. В./ Захарченко М. В., Горохов С .М., балан М. М., Гаджієв М. М., Корчинський В. В., Ложковський А. Г. – Одеса: ОНАЗ ім.. О. С. Попова, 2010.- 240 с.