Technologies for Software Platforms Development

Major: Telecommunications and Radio Engineering
Code of subject: 7.172.01.O.22
Credits: 5.00
Department: Telecommunication
Lecturer: senior lecturer Stepan Dumych
Semester: 1 семестр
Mode of study: денна
Learning outcomes: • Knowledge of theories and methods of radio and telecommunication systems and networks to the extent necessary for solution of specialized issues and practical problems of the profession. • Ability to apply methodological basis for research in the field of radioelectronics and telecommunications. • Ability to design systems and networks in professional activities using existing regulations and technical standards.
Required prior and related subjects: • Computers and microprocessors • Telecommunications control software • Mobile telecommunications system • Info communications system programming
Summary of the subject: The course is devoted to study the basic technologies and methods of building software platforms for information and communication systems. The student must learn how to deploy, operate and maintain the software platforms for solving telecom problems.
Assessment methods and criteria: • written reports on laboratory work, oral examination (30%) • exam control (70% control measure, exam), written-oral form (70%)
Recommended books: 1. Кей С. Хорстманн (2014). Java SE 8. Вводный курс. «Вільямс». ISBN 978-5-8459-1900-7. 2. Фрэд Лонг та ін. (2014). Руководство для программиста на Java: 75 рекомендаций по написанию надежных и защищенных программ. «Вільямс». ISBN 978-5-8459-1897-0. 3. Кей С. Хорстманн, Гари Корнелл (2013). Java. Библиотека профессионала, том 1. Основы. 9-е издание. «Вільямс». ISBN 978-5-8459-1869-7. 4. Барри Берд (2013). Программирование на Java для чайников, 3-е издание. «Діалектика». ISBN 978-5-8459-1834-5. 5. Bruce Eckel (2006). Thinking in Java (4th Edition). Prentice Hall PTR. ISBN 978-0131872486.