Automated Control Systems of Technological Processes

Major: Electrical Energetics, Electrical Engineering and Electromechanics
Code of subject: 6.141.04.E.130
Credits: 6.00
Department: Electromechatronics and Computerized Electromechanical Systems
Lecturer: Professor, DrSc, Andriy Kutsyk
Semester: 7 семестр
Mode of study: денна
Learning outcomes: • ability to analysis and synthesis of automated control systems of technological objects and processes • knowledge of modern technological processes and systems of technological preproduction • ability to use the knowledge and skills for a calculation, research, choice, introduction, repair, and design of automation equipment for the electromechanical systems and their components.
Required prior and related subjects: • Fundamentals of Digital Control and Programming of Microcontrollers. • Automatic Control Theory.
Summary of the subject: Automated control systems (ACS), their structure and hierarchy. Programmable logical controller (PLC), as instruments of automation. Software for automated control systems of technological processes. Programming of PLC by the languages of Ladder Diagram and FBD (functional block diagrams). An information exchange in an automated control systems of technological processes, the use of information networks. The means of a human-machine interface in ACS.
Assessment methods and criteria: • written reports on laboratory works, oral questioning (30%) • final control (control measure - exam): written and oral form (70%)
Recommended books: 1. Куцик А.С. Автоматизовані системи керування на програмованих логічних контролерах. Навч. пос. / [А.С. Куцик, В.О.Місюренко] / – Львів: Видавництво Львівської політехніки. – 2011. – 200 с. 2. Пупена О.М.. Програмування промислових контролерів у середовищі UNITY RRO. Навч. посібник. / [О.М. Пупена, І.В. Ельперін] / – К. : Видавництво Ліра-К, 2013. – 376 с. 3. Прокопов А. А. Компьютерные технологии автоматизации: Учеб. пособие. / [А. А. Прокопов, Н. И. Татаринцев, Л. А. Цирлин] / СПб.: Изд-во СПбГЭТУ ?ЛЭТИ?, 2001. – 75 с.

Automated Control Systems of Technological Processes

Major: Electrical Energetics, Electrical Engineering and Electromechanics
Code of subject: 6.141.05.E.146
Credits: 6.00
Department: Electromechatronics and Computerized Electromechanical Systems
Lecturer: Professor, DrSc, Andriy Kutsyk
Semester: 7 семестр
Mode of study: денна
Learning outcomes: • ability to analysis and synthesis of automated control systems of technological objects and processes • knowledge of modern technological processes and systems of technological preproduction • ability to use the knowledge and skills for a calculation, research, choice, introduction, repair, and design of automation equipment for the electromechanical systems and their components.
Required prior and related subjects: • Fundamentals of Digital Control and Programming of Microcontrollers. • Automatic Control Theory.
Summary of the subject: Automated control systems (ACS), their structure and hierarchy. Programmable logical controller (PLC), as instruments of automation. Software for automated control systems of technological processes. Programming of PLC by the languages of Ladder Diagram and FBD (functional block diagrams). An information exchange in an automated control systems of technological processes, the use of information networks. The means of a human-machine interface in ACS.
Assessment methods and criteria: • written reports on laboratory works, oral questioning (30%) • final control (control measure - exam): written and oral form (70%)
Recommended books: 1. Куцик А.С, Місюренко В.О., Семенюк М.Б.Автоматизовані системи керування на програмованих логічних контролерах. (видання друге, перероблене і доповнене) Навч. пос. – Львів: Видавництво ПП Сорока .–2019.–269 с. 2. Пупена О.М.. Програмування промислових контролерів у середовищі UNITY RRO. Навч. посібник. / [О.М. Пупена, І.В. Ельперін] / – К. : Видавництво Ліра-К, 2013. – 376 с. 3. Прокопов А. А. Компьютерные технологии автоматизации: Учеб. пособие. / [А. А. Прокопов, Н. И. Татаринцев, Л. А. Цирлин] / СПб.: Изд-во СПбГЭТУ ?ЛЭТИ?, 2001. – 75 с.