Electronic and Integrated Circuit

Major: Electrical Energetics, Electrical Engineering and Electromechanics
Code of subject: 6.141.00.O.016
Credits: 8.00
Department: Theoretical and General Electrical Engineering
Lecturer: Ph.D., Assoc. Prof. Orest Hamola Senior Lecturer Ryzyi Taras
Semester: 3 семестр
Mode of study: денна
Learning outcomes: - ability to demonstrate knowledge and understanding of physical processes and electronic devices; - knowledge and skills in electronic device design and analysis and their application; - basic knowledge in the field of electronics, necessary for mastering professionally-oriented disciplines; - to apply knowledge of technical characteristics, design features and purpose of electronic devices to solve technical problems of the specialty.
Required prior and related subjects: • Physics • Theoretical bases of electrical engineering, part1. • Industrial electronics and converter equipment • Microprocessor technology
Summary of the subject: Physical basics of p-n junction. Bipolar transistors. Field effect transistor. Switching semiconductor devices. Integrated circuits (IC): hybrid IC, semiconductor IC. Converter devices. Amplifiers of electrical signals. Impulse devices. Logical elements. Triggers. Digital microelectonic devices.
Assessment methods and criteria: • written reports on the laboratory course, discussion, individual tasks (30%) • final test (70 %, control test): written-oral form
Recommended books: 1. Kolontayevskyy Yu. P., Soskov A. G. Electronics and microcircuitry: Text-book, Second edition. /Edited by A. Soskov. – К.: Karavela, 2009 – 416p. 2. Shcherba A.A. Electronics and microcircuit technique [Electronic resource]: a textbook for students in the field of preparation 6.050702 «Electromechanics» / A.A. Shcherba, K.K. Pobedash, V.A. Svetnenko; NTUU "KPI". - Kyiv: NTUU "KPI", 2013. - 360 p. 3. Senko V. I., Panasenko M. V., Senko Ye. and etc. Electronics and microcircuitry: Text-book. – Vol.1. Element base of electronic devices. – К.: Oberegy , 2000. – 300 p. 4. Senko V. I., Panasenko M. V., Senko Ye. and etc. Electronics and microcircuitry: Text-book. – Vol.2. Analog and pulse devices. – Kharkiv: Folio, 2002. – 510 p. 5. Stakhiv P., Korud V., Hamola O., Cernivchan V., Musykhina N. Bases of Electronics: Functional Elements and their Application: Text-book. – Lviv: «Magnolia 2006». – 2013. – 225 p.

Electronic and Integrated Circuit

Major: Electrical Energetics, Electrical Engineering and Electromechanics
Code of subject: 6.141.00.O.015
Credits: 8.00
Department: Electromechatronics and Computerized Electromechanical Systems
Lecturer: Associate professor, PhD, Semeniuk Mykola Borysovych
Semester: 3 семестр
Mode of study: денна
Learning outcomes: • to know the technical specifications, design features, functions of devices of converter engineering; • to be able to calculate, design, select and investigate semiconductor devices; • to be able to identify, classify and describe the operation of power and microcircuitry devices.
Required prior and related subjects: • Theoretical Fundamentals of Electrical Engineering.
Summary of the subject: Semiconductor devices of converter engineering. Thyristor converters in standby mode rectification and inverter. Reversible thyristor converters. Pulse-width converters. Thyristor AC voltage regulators. Static frequency converters. The frequency converter with voltage inverter.The main logical elements of microcircuitry. Triggers. Counters.
Assessment methods and criteria: • written reports on laboratory works, term project(30%) • final exam (70%)
Recommended books: 1. Промислова електроніка та мікросхемотехніка: теорія і практикум: Навч. посіб. / Колонтаєвський Ю. П., Сосков А. Г. За ред. А. Г. Соскова. -К.: Каравела, 2015. -536 с 2. Попов О.З. Основы преобразовательной техники: Уч. Пособие. – М.: Изд. дом МЭИ, 2007. – 200 с 3. Зиновьев Г. С. Основы силовой электроники: Учебник. – Новосибирск: Изд-во НГТУ, 1999. Ч.1. – 199 с.