Electron And Quantum Microwave Ddevices

Major: Telecommunications and Radio Engineering
Code of subject: 6.172.03.E.078
Credits: 4.00
Department: Radioelectronic Appliances and Systems
Lecturer: d. s. Valeriy Oborzhytskyy
Semester: 6 семестр
Mode of study: денна
Мета вивчення дисципліни: The aim of the discipline is for students to master the principles of action, characteristics, design features of electrovacuum and semiconductor devices of ultrahigh frequencies, as well as quantum devices of ultrahigh-frequency and optical ranges, methods of calculating their parameters and the possibilities of application in modern technology.
Завдання: General competences: - ability to apply knowledge in practical situations; - knowledge and understanding of the subject area and understanding of professional activity; - skills of performing safe activities. Professional competences: - the ability to solve standard tasks of professional activity on the basis of information and bibliographic culture with the use of information and communication technologies and taking into account the basic requirements of information security; - the ability to carry out instrumental measurements in information and telecommunication networks, telecommunication and radio engineering systems; - the ability to use and operate devices, means and systems of micro- and nanoelectronics, which are part of radio-electronic devices of systems and complexes; - the ability to assess performance, diagnose and debug devices, means and systems that are part of radio-electronic devices, systems and complexes; - the ability to formulate requirements for regulations, technical regimes and conditions for safe operation, maintenance, testing of electronic equipment of radio-electronic devices, systems and complexes.
Learning outcomes: As a result of studying the academic discipline, the student must be able to demonstrate the following learning outcomes: 1. The physical foundations of the short-term and long-term interaction of the electron flow with the electromagnetic field have been mastered; 2. Knowledge of the principles of operation and features of microwave electrovacuum devices with various types of interaction between electrons and the electromagnetic field; 3. Knowledge of the principles of operation and features of microwave semiconductor devices; 4. Knowledge of the principles of operation and features of microwave and optical range quantum devices; 5. Acquired skills to apply acquired knowledge to calculate microwave electronic devices. 6. Learned principles of experimental research of electronic devices. Teaching and learning methods: - lectures - information-receptive or heuristic method, problem presentation method; - independent work - research or reproductive method; Methods of assessing the level of achievement of learning outcomes: - current control - oral and frontal survey; performance and protection of laboratory work; speeches at seminars based on the results of practical work, assessment of activity; - differentiated assessment - issued based on the results of current control and the results of control work.
Required prior and related subjects: Previous educational disciplines (pre-requisites): Physics, Electrodynamics and propagation of radio waves, Antenna-feeder devices. Accompanying and subsequent educational disciplines (co-requisites): Methods of receiving and processing signals, Devices for generating and forming signals, Fundamentals of the theory of radio engineering systems.
Summary of the subject: In the process of teaching the discipline, the issues of classification and physical foundations of microwave electronic devices are considered. The structure, principle of operation and parameters of: microwave electronic devices with electrostatic control (triodes, tetrodes) are studied; electrovacuum devices with dynamic control of type O (with short-term interaction - flight and reflection klystrons; with long-term interaction - traveling wave lamp O, reverse wave lamp O), type M (magnetrons, platinotrons, traveling wave lamp М, reverse wave lamp M), gyrotrons; semiconductor devices (bipolar, field-effect, microwave transistors with heterojunctions; microwave diodes with a Schottky barrier, varactor, avalanche, Gana, p-i-n diodes). Physical foundations of quantum devices, quantum devices in the microwave range (masers) and optical range (lasers) are considered.
Опис: Introduction. Features of microwave and optical ranges. Classification of microwave electronic devices and quantum devices. Topic 1. ELECTRONIC FLOW AND METHODS OF ITS MANAGEMENT. Speed, angle of flight of electrons, space-time diagram. Full, convection and induced currents. Ways of extracting energy from the electron flow. The method of electrostatic control of the electronic flow. The method of dynamic control of the electronic flow. Topic 2. TRIODES AND TETRODES OF HF AND THEIR APPLICATIONS. Factors affecting the operation of microwave triodes and tetrodes. Design features of microwave triodes and tetrodes. Variants of microwave switching schemes of triodes and tetrodes. Topic 3. KLYSTRONS. Features of klystrons and their classification. Two-resonator klystron: electron grouping process; currents and energy selection of electrons; energy characteristics of a two-resonator klystron; generation mode in a two-resonator klystron. Multi-resonator klystrons. Reflecting klystron: structure and principle of action of reflecting klystron; parameters and characteristics of a reflective klystron, features of construction and use. Topic 4. "O" TYPE DEVICES WITH LONG-TERM INTERACTION. Phase speed deceleration devices. Type O traveling wave lamp: its structure and principle of operation, parameters and characteristics. O-type reverse wave lamp: structure and principle of operation of the O-type reverse wave lamp, its parameters and characteristics. Topic 5. "M" TYPE ELECTRONIC DEVICES. Electron motion in crossed electric and magnetic fields: electron motion in static mode; mode of movement under the action of a variable microwave field. Multi-resonator magnetron: structure and principle of operation of a multi-resonator magnetron; parameters and characteristics of a multi-resonator magnetron. M-type traveling wave lamps. M-type reverse wave lamps. Magnetron-type generating and amplifying devices: mitron; platinotron. Device with cyclotron resonance - gyrotron. Topic 6. HF TRANSISTORS. Influence of the properties of semiconductor materials on the operation of semiconductor devices in the microwave range. Features of the construction of bipolar and unipolar microwave transistors. The principle of operation of field-effect transistors with a Schottky barrier. Transistors with high electron mobility (HEMT, PHEMT). Topic 7. Microwave diodes. Features and types of microwave diodes. Schottky barrier diodes (detector and mixer diodes). Detector sections and schemes of microwave mixers. Diodes with p - n transition in the mode of controlled capacity (varactors, varicaps). Schemes of microwave devices on diodes with a controlled capacity. Principle of operation, characteristics and p-i-n diodes using. Tunnel and avalanche diodes, their features, principle of operation and use. Gana diodes, operating modes, characteristics and areas of application. Topic 8. PHYSICAL BASIS OF QUANTUM DEVICES. Definition and classification of quantum devices. Basic concepts of quantum mechanics. Features of amplification and generation of oscillations by quantum devices. Characteristics of radiation of quantum devices. Topic 9. QUANTUM MICROWAVE DEVICES . Molecular quantum generators and amplifiers. Quantum paramagnetic amplifiers. Topic 10. QUANTUM DEVICES OF THE OPTICAL RANGE. General characteristics and classification of lasers. Structure, parameters and use of solid-state lasers.
Assessment methods and criteria: Current monitoring of laboratory classes is carried out in order to identify the student's readiness for classes in the form of a selective oral survey before the beginning of classes. Current control at practical classes is carried out by evaluating the results of calculations performed by the student during classes, as well as submitted proposals, original solutions, clarifications, additions. The control work is carried out in the form of student answers to control questions, which are divided into: a) test - choose the correct answers; b) problematic – creation of problematic situations; c) questions-replies - to identify cause-and-effect relationships; d) situational tasks - to determine the answer according to a certain situation; e) issues of a reproductive nature - determination of practical significance. Final control in the form of a differentiated assessment is carried out based on the results of current control and control work.
Критерії оцінювання результатів навчання: Current control: laboratory classes - 40 points; practical classes - 30 points; control work - 30 points. Total for the discipline: – 100 points.
Recommended books: Educational and methodological support (Methodical instructions for performing laboratory work in the discipline): 1. Study of characteristics of electrovacuum microwave triodes and tetrodes. 2. Research of reflective klystron. 3. Study of the O-type traveling wave lamp. 4. Research of the avalanche diode. Recommended basic literature: 1. Shmatko A. A. Electronic devices of ultra-high frequencies. Fundamentals of theory and radiophysical laboratory practice: учеб. manual / A. A. Shmatko (in Russion). – Kharkiv: KhNU named after V. N. Karazyna, 2006. – 328 p. 2. Panfilov I. P. Electronic and microwave quantum devices: the ed. guid. for higher ed. inst. Module 1 / I. P. Panfilov, Yu. V. Fleyta (in Ukrainian). – Odassa: O. S. Popov ONAC, 2010. – 120 p. 3. Andrushko L. M. Microwave electronic devices and quantum devices/L. M. Andrushko, N. D. Fedorov (in Russion). – M.: Radio and communication, 1981. – 280 p. 4. Fedorov N. D. Microwave electronic devices and quantum devices / N. D. Fedorov (in Russian). – M.: Atomizdat, 1979. – 288 p. 5. Lebedev I. V. Microwave devices and technik. In two toms. / I. V. Lebedev (in Russion). – M.: Vyssh. Shcola, T. 2, 1972. – 310 p. Information resources: 1. www.dut.edu.ua/ua/lib/1/category/754/view/552 2. k504.khai.edu/attachments/article/327/pribory_svch.pdf 3. www.dut.edu.ua/uploads/l_552_99021775.pdf

Electron And Quantum Microwave Ddevices

Major: Telecommunications and Radio Engineering
Code of subject: 6.172.04.E.093
Credits: 4.00
Department: Radioelectronic Appliances and Systems
Lecturer: d. s. Valeriy Oborzhytskyy
Semester: 6 семестр
Mode of study: денна
Мета вивчення дисципліни: The aim of the discipline is for students to master the principles of action, characteristics, design features of electrovacuum and semiconductor devices of ultrahigh frequencies, as well as quantum devices of ultrahigh-frequency and optical ranges, methods of calculating their parameters and the possibilities of application in modern technology.
Завдання: General competences: - ability to apply knowledge in practical situations; - knowledge and understanding of the subject area and understanding of professional activity; - skills of performing safe activities. Professional competences: - the ability to solve standard tasks of professional activity on the basis of information and bibliographic culture with the use of information and communication technologies and taking into account the basic requirements of information security; - the ability to carry out instrumental measurements in information and telecommunication networks, telecommunication and radio engineering systems; - the ability to use and operate devices, means and systems of micro- and nanoelectronics, which are part of radio-electronic devices of systems and complexes; - the ability to assess performance, diagnose and debug devices, means and systems that are part of radio-electronic devices, systems and complexes; - the ability to formulate requirements for regulations, technical regimes and conditions for safe operation, maintenance, testing of electronic equipment of radio-electronic devices, systems and complexes.
Learning outcomes: As a result of studying the academic discipline, the student must be able to demonstrate the following learning outcomes: 1. The physical foundations of the short-term and long-term interaction of the electron flow with the electromagnetic field have been mastered; 2. Knowledge of the principles of operation and features of microwave electrovacuum devices with various types of interaction between electrons and the electromagnetic field; 3. Knowledge of the principles of operation and features of microwave semiconductor devices; 4. Knowledge of the principles of operation and features of microwave and optical range quantum devices; 5. Acquired skills to apply acquired knowledge to calculate microwave electronic devices. 6. Learned principles of experimental research of electronic devices. Teaching and learning methods: - lectures - information-receptive or heuristic method, problem presentation method; - independent work - research or reproductive method; Methods of assessing the level of achievement of learning outcomes: - current control - oral and frontal survey; performance and protection of laboratory work; speeches at seminars based on the results of practical work, assessment of activity; - differentiated assessment - issued based on the results of current control and the results of control work.
Required prior and related subjects: Previous educational disciplines (pre-requisites): Physics, Electrodynamics and propagation of radio waves, Antenna-feeder devices. Accompanying and subsequent educational disciplines (co-requisites): Methods of receiving and processing signals, Devices for generating and forming signals, Fundamentals of the theory of radio engineering systems.
Summary of the subject: In the process of teaching the discipline, the issues of classification and physical foundations of microwave electronic devices are considered. The structure, principle of operation and parameters of: microwave electronic devices with electrostatic control (triodes, tetrodes) are studied; electrovacuum devices with dynamic control of type O (with short-term interaction - flight and reflection klystrons; with long-term interaction - traveling wave lamp O, reverse wave lamp O), type M (magnetrons, platinotrons, traveling wave lamp М, reverse wave lamp M), gyrotrons; semiconductor devices (bipolar, field-effect, microwave transistors with heterojunctions; microwave diodes with a Schottky barrier, varactor, avalanche, Gana, p-i-n diodes). Physical foundations of quantum devices, quantum devices in the microwave range (masers) and optical range (lasers) are considered.
Опис: Introduction. Features of microwave and optical ranges. Classification of microwave electronic devices and quantum devices. Topic 1. ELECTRONIC FLOW AND METHODS OF ITS MANAGEMENT. Speed, angle of flight of electrons, space-time diagram. Full, convection and induced currents. Ways of extracting energy from the electron flow. The method of electrostatic control of the electronic flow. The method of dynamic control of the electronic flow. Topic 2. TRIODES AND TETRODES OF HF AND THEIR APPLICATIONS. Factors affecting the operation of microwave triodes and tetrodes. Design features of microwave triodes and tetrodes. Variants of microwave switching schemes of triodes and tetrodes. Topic 3. KLYSTRONS. Features of klystrons and their classification. Two-resonator klystron: electron grouping process; currents and energy selection of electrons; energy characteristics of a two-resonator klystron; generation mode in a two-resonator klystron. Multi-resonator klystrons. Reflecting klystron: structure and principle of action of reflecting klystron; parameters and characteristics of a reflective klystron, features of construction and use. Topic 4. "O" TYPE DEVICES WITH LONG-TERM INTERACTION. Phase speed deceleration devices. Type O traveling wave lamp: its structure and principle of operation, parameters and characteristics. O-type reverse wave lamp: structure and principle of operation of the O-type reverse wave lamp, its parameters and characteristics. Topic 5. "M" TYPE ELECTRONIC DEVICES. Electron motion in crossed electric and magnetic fields: electron motion in static mode; mode of movement under the action of a variable microwave field. Multi-resonator magnetron: structure and principle of operation of a multi-resonator magnetron; parameters and characteristics of a multi-resonator magnetron. M-type traveling wave lamps. M-type reverse wave lamps. Magnetron-type generating and amplifying devices: mitron; platinotron. Device with cyclotron resonance - gyrotron. Topic 6. HF TRANSISTORS. Influence of the properties of semiconductor materials on the operation of semiconductor devices in the microwave range. Features of the construction of bipolar and unipolar microwave transistors. The principle of operation of field-effect transistors with a Schottky barrier. Transistors with high electron mobility (HEMT, PHEMT). Topic 7. Microwave diodes. Features and types of microwave diodes. Schottky barrier diodes (detector and mixer diodes). Detector sections and schemes of microwave mixers. Diodes with p - n transition in the mode of controlled capacity (varactors, varicaps). Schemes of microwave devices on diodes with a controlled capacity. Principle of operation, characteristics and p-i-n diodes using. Tunnel and avalanche diodes, their features, principle of operation and use. Gana diodes, operating modes, characteristics and areas of application. Topic 8. PHYSICAL BASIS OF QUANTUM DEVICES. Definition and classification of quantum devices. Basic concepts of quantum mechanics. Features of amplification and generation of oscillations by quantum devices. Characteristics of radiation of quantum devices. Topic 9. QUANTUM MICROWAVE DEVICES . Molecular quantum generators and amplifiers. Quantum paramagnetic amplifiers. Topic 10. QUANTUM DEVICES OF THE OPTICAL RANGE. General characteristics and classification of lasers. Structure, parameters and use of solid-state lasers.
Assessment methods and criteria: Current monitoring of laboratory classes is carried out in order to identify the student's readiness for classes in the form of a selective oral survey before the beginning of classes. Current control at practical classes is carried out by evaluating the results of calculations performed by the student during classes, as well as submitted proposals, original solutions, clarifications, additions. The control work is carried out in the form of student answers to control questions, which are divided into: a) test - choose the correct answers; b) problematic – creation of problematic situations; c) questions-replies - to identify cause-and-effect relationships; d) situational tasks - to determine the answer according to a certain situation; e) issues of a reproductive nature - determination of practical significance. Final control in the form of a differentiated assessment is carried out based on the results of current control and control work.
Критерії оцінювання результатів навчання: Current control: laboratory classes - 40 points; practical classes - 30 points; control work - 30 points. Total for the discipline: – 100 points.
Recommended books: Educational and methodological support (Methodical instructions for performing laboratory work in the discipline): 1. Study of characteristics of electrovacuum microwave triodes and tetrodes. 2. Research of reflective klystron. 3. Study of the O-type traveling wave lamp. 4. Research of the avalanche diode. Recommended basic literature: 1. Shmatko A. A. Electronic devices of ultra-high frequencies. Fundamentals of theory and radiophysical laboratory practice: учеб. manual / A. A. Shmatko (in Russion). – Kharkiv: KhNU named after V. N. Karazyna, 2006. – 328 p. 2. Panfilov I. P. Electronic and microwave quantum devices: the ed. guid. for higher ed. inst. Module 1 / I. P. Panfilov, Yu. V. Fleyta (in Ukrainian). – Odassa: O. S. Popov ONAC, 2010. – 120 p. 3. Andrushko L. M. Microwave electronic devices and quantum devices/L. M. Andrushko, N. D. Fedorov (in Russion). – M.: Radio and communication, 1981. – 280 p. 4. Fedorov N. D. Microwave electronic devices and quantum devices / N. D. Fedorov (in Russian). – M.: Atomizdat, 1979. – 288 p. 5. Lebedev I. V. Microwave devices and technik. In two toms. / I. V. Lebedev (in Russion). – M.: Vyssh. Shcola, T. 2, 1972. – 310 p. Information resources: 1. www.dut.edu.ua/ua/lib/1/category/754/view/552 2. k504.khai.edu/attachments/article/327/pribory_svch.pdf 3. www.dut.edu.ua/uploads/l_552_99021775.pdf