Architectural Form and Materials

Major: Architecture and Town Planning
Code of subject: 6.191.00.O.40
Credits: 6.00
Lecturer: PhD, Associate Professor Yurii Petrenko, , PhD, Associate Professor Nikolay Brodsky, Ph. D., PhD, Associate Professor Dmytro Нladyshev, Larysa Lisnuch
Semester: 4 семестр
Mode of study: денна
Learning outcomes: PR... Аs a result of studying the module the student should: - know the terminology and properties, ways of application materials, products and structures under the requirements of the architectural form to ensure the realization of individual creative intent of the architect. - know direction, know the methods, materials and technologies to create comfortable architectural environment, including taking into account the savings of energy and material resources. - understand and own the relationship and the ability to carry out synthesis of information on a function object and architectural form, materials, products and designs. - to know basics of international best practices aimed at the synthesis of new materials under appropriate architectural features. - know the protection of goods and materials from the aggressive environment. - possess knowledge about the materials for the renovation and reconstruction of houses. - know the basics of the technology of production of materials. - know the prospects of development of modern materials, environmental aspects of their production and use.
Required prior and related subjects: -
Summary of the subject: Part of materials science: Architecture and construction materials: classification and requirements. Properties of architectural materials. Natural, architectural and building materials and stone products. Materials and products from wood. Ceramic materials and products. Architectural building materials and wares from mineral melts. Materials and articles of metals. Artificial architectural materials and products based on mineral cohesive substances. Reinforced concrete structures and products. Architectural materials and products based on polymers and other macromolecular organic substances. Materials for exterior finishing of buildings and structures. Materials and products for interior decoration of houses. Materials for the device of false ceilings and floors. Coating for roofs, waterproofing materials and products. Materials for landscape architecture. Building materials for the construction of roads, squares, intricate, perimeter fencing etc. the Materials of decorative art. Devices and products for systems of water supply and sanitation. Materials and devices for heating and cooling homes. Devices and systems of artificial lighting. Automatic device control home security and fire alarm systems. Materials and products for saving energy resources in architectural practice. The materials of the future and nanotechnology.
Assessment methods and criteria: - Current control (laboratory work) – 40 points - Final control (examination) – 60 points.
Recommended books: 1. Айрапетов Д.П. Архітектурне матеріалознавство. – М.: Стройиздат, 1983. – 310 с. 2. Айрапетов Д.П. Матеріали та архітектура. – М.: Стройиздат, 1978. – 272 с. 3. Викторов А.М., Викторова Л.А. Природный камень в архитектуре. – М.: Стройиздат, 1983. – 191 с. 4. Гнезбург В.П. Керамика в архитектуре. – М.: Стройиздат, 1983. – 200 с. 5. Лисенко Л.М. Дерево в архитектуре. – М.: Стройиздат, 1984. – 176 с. 6. Мардер А.П. Металл в архитектуре. М.: Стройиздат, 1983. 7. Воронцов В.М., Мосьпан В.И. Металличяеские материалы в архитектуре. Учебное пособие. – Белгород, 2009. – 56 с. 8. Соловьев С.П., Динеева Ю.М. Стекло в архитектуре. – М.: Стройиздат, 1982. – 191 с. 9. Яшевич В.Б. Бетон и железобетон в архитектуре. – М.: Стройиздат, 1981. 10. Айрапетов Д.П. Пластмассы в архитектуре / Д.П. Айрапетов, С. П. Заварихин, М. П. Макотинский. – М.: Стройиздат, 1981. – 190 с. 11. Боброва Т.Б. Основи матеріалознавства / навчальний посібник. - Ресурсний центр ГУРТ, 2016.

Architectural Form and Materials (курсовий проєкт)

Major: Architecture and Town Planning
Code of subject: 6.191.02.E.144
Credits: 3.00
Department: Urban Planning and Design
Lecturer: Ph.D., assoc. prof. Halyna Lukashchuk
Semester: 4 семестр
Mode of study: денна
Learning outcomes: • Knowledge of professionally oriented disciplines of specialty 191 "Architecture and Urban Planning" • • Knowledge of state design and sanitary and hygienic standards, on the basis of which the pre-design analysis, calculations, search, sketch, and working architectural and urban design. • • Knowledge of modern achievements of innovative technologies in the field of architecture and urban planning.
Required prior and related subjects: • Landscape architecture and engineering landscaping • Architectural design of a country house (course project).
Summary of the subject: Introductory lecture. Issuance of the task. Pre-design studies of the landscaping area. Analysis of natural conditions and urban constraints. Functional and planning structure of the design area in accordance with the purpose. Natural and artificial materials in landscaping. Planar structures for landscaping. Search for materials for the construction of a network of tracks and sites. Clause 1 "Architectural-planning and functional-spatial concept of solving the image of the projected area" with a list of materials for planar structures. Buildings for utilitarian and monumental-decorative purposes. Architectonics of the crown of woody plants. General architecture. Technical conditions for planting material for landscaping of the projected area. Material for floral decoration of the projected area. Material for the arrangement of lawns (grasses). Clause 2. "Axonometric image of the projected area, with the environment and landscaping." Elaboration of the scheme of the general plan of the site.
Assessment methods and criteria: Clauses №1 and №2 Tests (10%). Landscaping project - (70%)
Recommended books: • Криворучко Ю.І., Петришин Г.П., Соснова Н.С., Бобош Г.Є. Ландшафтне проектування: Конспект лекцій з курсу «Ландшафтне проектування» для студентів напряму 1201 «Архітектура» спеціальності 120102 «Містобудування». – Львів: Вид. - во Національного університету «Львівська політехніка», 2008. - 56 с. • Петришин Г.П. і ін. Містобудівне проектування. Частина I: Місто як об’єкт проектування: навч. посібник\ Г.П. Петришин, Б.С. Посацький, Ю.І. Криворучко, С.В. Ганець та ін.; за ред. Г.П. Петришин, Б.С. Посацького, Ю.В. Ідак – Львів: Видавництво Львівської політехніки. 2016. – 328 с.:іл. • Лукащук Г.Б. Дендрологія: навчальний посібник / Г.Б. Лукащук; за ред. проф. Петришин Г.П.. – Львів: Видавництво Львівської політехніки, 2020. – 348 с.

Architectural Form and Materials (курсовий проєкт)

Major: Architecture and Town Planning
Code of subject: 6.191.01.E.113
Credits: 3.00
Department: Architectural Design
Semester: 4 семестр
Mode of study: денна

Architectural Form and Materials (курсовий проєкт)

Major: Architecture and Town Planning
Code of subject: 6.191.03.E.163
Credits: 3.00
Department: Architectural Environment Design
Lecturer: Ph.D., Senior Lecturer Olha Dmytrash
Semester: 4 семестр
Mode of study: денна
Learning outcomes: The purpose of the discipline is to give students an idea of the methodological foundations of the use of architectural forms and materials in the design environment, the formation of systems thinking in architects in solving practical problems during course and diploma design. Theoretical and practical training in planning, organization of construction, landscaping and landscaping.
Required prior and related subjects: 1. History of architecture; 2. Architectural Graphics and Composition; 3. Fundamentals of Architectural Design; 4. Design of Architectural Environment; 5. Architectural Design of Residential Buildings.
Summary of the subject: While working on the course project, the student gets acquainted with the main types of artificial and natural materials. In the design process you need to skillfully combine architectural forms with the natural environment. As a result of the course project, the student masters the principles of combining materials in landscaping, as well as finishing the exterior and interior surfaces of a residential building.
Assessment methods and criteria: Differentiated credit. Course project - 100 p.
Recommended books: 1. Mali arkhitekturni formy: Metodychni vkazivky do vykonannya kursovykh robit dlya studentiv bazovoho napryamku 060102 – «Arkhitektura» spetsialnosti «Dyzayn arkhitekturnoho seredovyshcha» / Ukl.: Kovalchuk KH.I., Bohdanova YU.L., Hoy B.V. – Lviv: Vydavnytstvo Natsionalnoho un-tu "Lvivska politekhnika", 2008. - 22 s. [in Ukrainian]. 2. Proektuvannya malykh arkhitekturnykh obyektiv: Metodychni vkazivky do vykonannya kursovykh robit dlya studentiv bazovoho napryamku 060102 – «Arkhitektura» spetsialnosti «Dyzayn arkhitekturnoho seredovyshcha» / Ukl.: Voronkova I.S., Bohdanova YU.L., Kovalchuk KH.I. – Lviv: kafedra dyzaynu arkhitekturnoho seredovyshcha, 2015. [in Ukrainian]. 3. Kovalchuk KH.I., Bohdanova YU.L. Harmonizatsiya miskoho seredovyshcha zasobamy dyzaynu: Konspekt lektsiy dlya studentiv bazovoho napryamu 070102 "Arkhitektura" spetsialnosti "Dyzayn arkhitekturnoho seredovyshcha". – Lviv: Vydavnytstvo Natsionalnoho universytetu "Lvivska politekhnika", 2008. – 52 s. [in Ukrainian]. 4. Proektna hrafika: navch. posibnyk dlya stud. bazovoho napryamu 6.12.01 "Arkhitektura" / T. M. Klymenyuk [ta insh.] ; Natsionalnyy un-t "Lvivska politekhnika". – L. : Vydavnytstvo Nats. un-tu "Lvivska politekhnika", 2009. – 220 s. [in Ukrainian]. 5. Kryzhanovska N. YA. Osnovy landshaftnoho dyzaynu: Pidruchnyk. [Fundamentals of landscape design: a textbook]. – K.: "Lira-K", 2009. – 218s. [in Ukrainian]. 6. Dzhon Bruks. Dizayn sada. [Garden design]. – M.: BMM. – 2009. – 384s. [in Russian]. 7. Hnes I.P., Rudyk R.A., Yakubovskyy V.B., Yakubovskyy I.V. Odnorodynnyy zhytlovyy budynok: Navchalnyy posibnyk. – Lviv: Vydavnytstvo NU «Lvivska politekhnika», 2007. – 111 s. [in Ukrainian]. 8. Malopoverkhovyy zhytlovyy budynok. Chastyna 1. Arkhitekturne proektuvannya: Metodychni vkazivky do vykonannya kursovykh robit dlya studentiv bazovoho napryamku 060102 – «Arkhitektura» spetsialnosti «Dyzayn arkhitekturnoho seredovyshcha» / Ukl.: Ivanov-Kostetskyy S.O., Proskuryakov O.V.. – Lviv: Vydavnytstvo Natsionalnoho un-tu "Lvivska politekhnika", 2015. - 39 s. [in Ukrainian]. 9. Devid Adler. Metricheskiy spravochnik proyektirovaniya. Dannyye dlya arkhitekturnogo proyektirovaniya i rascheta. [Metric design reference. Data for architectural design and calculation]. – M.: Arkhitektura-S. –2008.–764s. [in Russian].

Architectural Form and Materials (курсовий проєкт)

Major: Architecture and Town Planning
Code of subject: 6.191.01.E.114
Credits: 3.00
Semester: 4 семестр
Mode of study: денна

Architectural Form and Materials (курсовий проєкт)

Major: Architecture and Town Planning
Code of subject: 6.191.04.E.182
Credits: 3.00
Department: Restoration of Architectural and Artistic Heritage
Lecturer: Iryna Pogranichna - Ph.D., Аssistant Mariana Kaplins`ka - Ph.D., Аssistant
Semester: 4 семестр
Mode of study: денна
Learning outcomes: The study of the discipline is to acquaint students with the general principles of architectural form and materials in the spatial environment, the typological foundations of the formation of systems thinking in architects in solving practical problems during course and diploma design. The study of the discipline involves the formation and development of students' competencies: general: - Knowledge and understanding of the subject area and understanding of professional activity. - Ability to identify, pose and solve problems - Possession of a culture of thinking, the ability to generalize, analyze, perceive information, set goals and choose ways to achieve it; - Ability to logically correctly, reasonably and clearly communicate (orally and in writing) in the state language and speak at least one of the common European languages at the level of reading and understanding scientific and technical literature, communication in oral and written forms. professional: - Basic knowledge of basic sciences, to the extent necessary for the development of general professional disciplines; - Basic knowledge in the field of architecture and urban planning, necessary for the development of professionally-oriented disciplines; - Awareness of the peculiarities of the development of historical and modern styles in architecture, urban planning, art and design of Ukraine and foreign countries. - Awareness of the basic laws and principles of architectural and urban composition, the formation of artistic image and style in the design of buildings and structures, urban, architectural, environmental and landscape objects.
Required prior and related subjects: History of architecture Fundamentals of architectural design Architectural graphics and composition Architectural constructions Architectural design of public buildings and structures Architectural design (special subject)
Summary of the subject: The discipline "Architectural form and materials" is based on the study of the main types of natural and artificial building materials. Building materials are the material basis that allows the architectural form proposed by the architect and designer to be realized as an object of architecture. The main part of the objects under construction today are residential and public buildings, mainly frame, monolithic-frame, monolithic or panel, of various storeys and comfort levels. This diversity leads to a significant variety of objects under construction, requires appropriate decoration of facades and interiors, as well as structural and finishing building materials.
Assessment methods and criteria: The grade for the subject is established based on the results of the graphic performance of the album with project searches
Recommended books: 1. DBN B.2.6-163: 2010 "Steel structures" Design standards 2. DSTU B "Concrete and reinforced concrete structures made of heavy concrete" Design standards - Kyiv. Ministry of Regional Development. 2011 3. DBN B.2.2-15: 2019. Residential buildings. Substantive provisions. - Kyiv. KyivZNDIEP. 2019. 4. Peter Neufert, Ludwig Neff. Design and construction. House, apartment, garden. Translated from German. - Moscow, "Architecture-C", 2008. - 264p. 5. Vasilyshyn V.Ya., 2020. Building materials - an important component of design in modern construction // Scientific notes of TNU named after VI Vernadsky. Series: Technical Sciences, Volume 31 (70) № 4 - p. 245-249 6. Dvorkin LY, Lushnikova NV, 2007. Architectural materials science. - Rivne: NUVGP. - 360 p. 7. Zherbin MM, 1986. Metal structures / Zherbin MM, Vladimirsky VA - Kyiv: Higher School - 215 p. 8. Bell V.B., Rand P., 2006 Materials for design. – NY: Princeton Architectural Press. – 272 p. 9. Farrelly L., 2008. BasicsArchitecture: RepresentationalTechniques / L. Farrelly. – Lausanne : AvaPublishers, – 184 р. 10. Francis D. K., 2020. ARCHITECTURE Form, Space, & Order – 465 p. 11. Neufert Р., 2000. Podrencznikproektowania architektoniczno-budow budowlanego / Р. Neufert. – Warszawa : «Arkady», – 552 р. 12. Weston R., 2003 Material, form and architecture. Yale University Press. – 284 р.