Architectural Constructions (курсовий проєкт)

Major: Architecture and Town Planning
Code of subject: 6.191.00.O.35
Credits: 3.00
Lecturer: Ph.D., Associate Professor Dmytro Hladyshev, Ph.D., Senior Instructor Yaroslav Rymar, Ph.D. Leonid Vozniyk, Ph.D., Associate Professor Yurii Petrenko
Semester: 3 семестр
Mode of study: денна
Learning outcomes: - Knowledge of the fundamentals of design and principles of structural elements of a single family house, their importance and relationship, principles of design of space-planning and construction solutions of single family houses, fundamentals of design of principal elements and units of a single family house, construction of houses under special conditions; - Аbility to design single family houses,, their structural parts, solve space-planning and construction tasks, design the principal elements and units of single family houses, use of reference and technical literature; - Нaving the idea about the main trends of development and perspectives of practical design of single family houses.
Required prior and related subjects: Рrerequisites: Engineering graphics Сo-requisites:
Summary of the subject: mplementation of a constructive project of a single-family residential building. Drawings of the facade, floor plans, foundation, floor, rafters, section on the house and detailed section on the wall, individual components of the combination of structural elements of the house.
Assessment methods and criteria: Execution and defense of the course project (100%)
Recommended books: 1. Шерешевский И.А. Жилые здания. Конструктивные системы и элементы для индустриального строительства: Пособие для учебного проектирования / И.А. Шерешевский. – М.: Архитектура-С, 2005. 2. Шерешевский И.А. Конструирование гражданських заний. Учебное пособие. – Л.: Стройиздат, 2005. – 176 с 3. Мізяк М.І. Архітектурні конструкції: Навчальний посібник / М.І. Мізяк. – Харків: ХНАМГ, 2008 – 198 с. 4. Чернявський В.В. Архітектура будівель і споруд. Архітектурні конструкції малоповерхових цивільних будівель: навчальний посібник / В.В.Чернявський, В.О.Семко. – Полтава: ПолтНТУ, 2011. 5. Рутковська І.З. Архітектурні конструкції малоповерхових будівель: навчальний посібник. Видання 2, доповнене / І.З.Рутковська, Д.Г.Гладишев, Ю.І.Соха. – Львів: „Растр-7“, 2015.

Architectural Constructions

Major: Architecture and Town Planning
Code of subject: 6.191.00.O.32
Credits: 3.00
Lecturer: Ph.D., Associate Professor Dmytro Hladyshev, Ph. D., Senior Instructor Yaroslav Rymar.
Semester: 3 семестр
Mode of study: денна
Learning outcomes: - Knowledge of the fundamentals of design and principles of structural elements of the building, their importance and relationship, principles of design of space-planning and construction solutions of civic buildings, fundamentals of design of principal elements and units of the building, construction of buildings under special conditions; - Аbility to design civic buildings, their structural parts, solve space-planning and construction tasks, design the principal elements and units of the building, use of reference and technical literature; - Having the idea about the main trends of development and perspectives of practical design of civic buildings.
Required prior and related subjects: -
Summary of the subject: Objectives and content of the course. General notions about the buildings and structures. Space-planning solutions for civic buildings. Residential and public building structural systems and diagrams. Technical and economic indices of design solutions. Structural members and units of mass civic building construction (soil, foundations, vertical cladding structures of buildings, horizontal cladding structures, floors, translucent structures of buildings, doors, building stairways, building roofs). Civic building structures of large-size elements.
Assessment methods and criteria: - Summative assessment (100 %, summative assessment, examination): in writing.
Recommended books: 1. Туполев М.С. Конструкции гражданских зданий / М.С. Туполев, А.Н. Попов, A.И. Шкинев, B.В. Беспалов, И.А. Браунсдорфер, Ю.Л. Сопоцько, Т.И. Кириллова, В.Н. Карцев, О.В. Коретко, В.М. Кунин, Г.А. Довжик. – М.: “Архітектура-С”, 2006. – 240 c. 2. Казбек-Казиев З.А. и др. Архитектурные конструкции / З.А. Казбек-Казиев и др. – М.: “Архитектура-С“, 2014. –344 с. 3. Дыховичный Ю.А., Казбек-Казиев З.А. и др. Архитектурные конструкции. Книга I. Архитектурные конструкции малоэтажных жилых зданий. - М.: “Архитектура-С”, 2012. – 248 c. 4. Волга В.С., Армановский Л.И., Дехтяр С.Б. и др. Архитектурные конструкции гражданских зданий. – К.: Будивэльнык, 1988. – 240 с. 5. Попов А.Н. и др. Конструкции промышленных зданий. – М.: “Архитектура-С”, 2007. – 304 c. 6. Шерешевский И.А. Конструирование гражданских зданий. - М.: “Архитектура-С”, 2005. – 176 c. 7. Шерешевский И.А. Жилые здания Конструктивные системы и элементы для индустриального строительства. – М.: “Архитектура-С”, 2005. – 124 c. 8. Шерешевский И.А. Конструирование промышленных зданий и сооружений. – М.: “Архитектура-С”, 2005. – 152 c. 9. Мунчак Л.А. Конструкции малоэтажного жилого дома (курсовое проектирование). – М.: “Архитектура-С”, 2012. – 104 c. 10. Чернявський В.В., Семко В.О. Архітектура будівель і споруд. Архітектурні конструкції малоповерхових цивільних будівель: навчальний посiбник. – Полтава, 2011. – 185 с.