History of Statehood and Culture of Ukraine

Major: Fine Arts, Decorative Art, Restoration
Code of subject: 6.023.00.O.017
Credits: 3.00
Department: History of Ukraine and Ethnic Communication
Lecturer: Lekhniuk Roman
Semester: 3 семестр
Mode of study: денна
Мета вивчення дисципліни: creation of favorable conditions for the personal development of the personality of students in the process of forming an active civic position and a sense of responsibility in society. The course has the potential to become a factor in the reconciliation of different models of historical memory, a means of constructive social dialogue about past and present problems of social development, integration and consolidation of Ukrainian society. This discipline stimulates students' development of critical thinking and analysis and adequate evaluation of historical and cultural information, motivation and self-identification of the individual based on knowledge of the history, cultural and scientific heritage of society.
Завдання: The study of an academic discipline involves the formation of the necessary competencies in students: - general competences: The ability to realize one's rights and responsibilities as a member of society, to be aware of the values of civil society and the need for its sustainable development, the rule of law, the rights and freedoms of a person and a citizen in Ukraine; the ability to preserve and multiply cultural, artistic, ecological, moral, scientific values and achievements of society based on an understanding of the history and patterns of development of the subject area, its place in the general system of knowledge about nature and society, to use various types and forms of motor activity for active recreation and healthy lifestyle. - professional competences: personal orientation towards cultural values and meanings, which constitutes the value-motivating basis of the student's culture; the ability to adapt creative (individual and collective) activity to the requirements and conditions of the consumer
Learning outcomes: - a system of knowledge about particular aspects of the history and culture of Ukraine and practical skills to work with a historical source; - knowledge of problematic, debatable and irritating pages of Ukrainian history; - acquaintance with the latest views of historians and researchers on the debating issues of Ukrainian history. - ability to study independently the problematic issues of the history of Ukraine, turning to the primary sources; - formation of active civic position and sense of responsibility in society; - students' understanding of the importance of reconciling different models of historical memory, constructive public dialogue about the past and present problems of social development, integration and consolidation of Ukrainian society; - skills of working historiography on particular problems of Ukrainian history; - Critical thinking and analysis skills and adequate assessment of historical and cultural information.
Required prior and related subjects: The school course on the history of Ukraine
Summary of the subject: In the context of modern integration processes in Ukrainian society, the study by students of the basic areas of the Lviv Polytechnic National University of the academic discipline "History of Statehood, Science and Culture of Ukraine" provides for their acquisition of civic and socio-cultural competence as an integrative quality of worldview self-determination of an individual, ensuring their professional and civic self-realization in modern society Problems of the history of science and technical education are an important component of the course, which provides an opportunity for future specialists to familiarize themselves with the achievements of past generations for the harmonious development of society in the context of the "nature-man-technology" system. Scientific and technical achievements have a unique potential to influence the pace of human development, contribute to the processes of transformation of society, stimulate socio-economic changes that determine the vector of development of civilization. Trained specialists have the opportunity to gain a permanent sense of belonging to the national community, learn to make independent decisions, make informed choices, and forecast the development of science and society in the future.
Опис: The first state formations on the territory of Ukraine Ukrainian statehood Middle Ages Ukrainian Cossack state. Hetman Ukrainian national revolution of 1917-1921. Ukraine during the Second World War Ukraine from Independence until today The theoretical basis of culture Ancient Culture of the Ukrainian lands Ukrainian culture of Middle Ages Renaissance in Ukrainian culture Ukrainian culture Baroque period National cultural revival in the late eighteenth - early XX century. Ukrainian Culture 1917 - 1939 Ukrainian culture mid XX - XXI century.
Assessment methods and criteria: Semester assessment of students' knowledge is carried out based on the total number of points received based on the results of current control and performance of the control measure
Критерії оцінювання результатів навчання: 35 points - practical classes 10 points - individual research task 55 points - examination control
Recommended books: 1. Аркуша О., Кондратюк К., Мудрий М., Сухий О. Час народів. Історія України XIX століття. – Львів, 2016. 2. Брехуненко В. Східна брама Європи. – К., 2014. 3. Вербицька П.В та ін. Історія України: суспільство, культура, державність. – Львів: Видавництво Львівської політехніки, 2019. 4. Войтович Л. Князівські династії Східної Європи (кінець ІХ – початок XVI ст.): склад, суспільна і політична роль. – Львів, 2000. 5. Грицак Я. Нарис історії України. Формування модерної української нації ХІХ-ХХ ст. – К., 2019. 6. Ісаєвич Я. Галицько-Волинська держава. – Львів, 1999. 7. Історія Львова. У трьох томах / Я. Ісаєвич, М. Литвин, Ф. Стеблій. Львів : Центр Європи, 2006. 8. Історія української культури / За ред. І.Я.Хоми. – Львів, 2013. 9. Конквест Р. Жнива скорботи. Радянська колективізація і голодомор. Київ: Либідь, 1993. 10. Кульчицький С.В. Історичне місце української радянської державності. – К., 2002. 11. Однороженко О. Українська (руська) еліта доби Середньовіччя і раннього Модерну: структура та влада. – К., 2011. 12. Плохій С. Брама Європи. Історія України від скіфських воєн до незалежності. – Харків, 2018. 13. Плохій С. Походження слов’янських націй. Домодерні ідентичності в Україні, Росії та Білорусі. – К., 2015. 14. Посацький Б. С. Простір міста і міська культура (на зламі ХХ – ХХІ ст.). Львів, 2007. 15. Снайдер Т. Криваві землі: Європа поміж Гітлером та Сталіним: монографія. Київ: Laurus, 2018. 16. Яковенко Н. Нарис історії середньовічної та ранньомодерної України. – К., 2006. 17. Applebaum A. Red Famine: Stalins War on Ukraine. – Penguin Randomhouse, 2017