Home/ Majors directory/Earth Sciences/English Language For Academic Purposes, part 1
English Language For Academic Purposes, part 1
Major: Earth Sciences
Code of subject: 8.103.00.O.001
Credits: 4.00
Department: Department of Foreign Languages for Humanities
Lecturer: Havryliuk M. V.
Semester: 1 семестр
Mode of study: денна
Learning outcomes: As the result of studying the discipline students should be able to demonstrate such learning outcomes:
• to communicate in a foreign language within familiar academic and general professional environment
• to discuss general learning and special issues in order to reach understanding
• to prepare public speeches in a number of general questions of political, economic and cultural spheres applying relevant means of verbal and non-verbal communication
• to find new textual, graphical, audio and video information on issues related to general academic and professional activity contained in foreign language materials (both printed and electronic) using relevant search methods
• to analyze information from foreign language sources in order to receive data necessary for fulfilling general academic and professional tasks
• to write a number of documents in a foreign language required for participation in international academic events, students’ exchange programs as well as for employment.
Required prior and related subjects: Foreign language (B2 level)
Summary of the subject: Module 1.
(reading) International academic conferences; University teaching, learning and research; academic publications; international cooperation.
(listening) Attending a conference; troubleshooting; networking; presentations.
Module 2
(speaking) Socializing; presentation skills.
(writing) Academic correspondence; writing a summary; describing visual data.
Module 3. Organizing and participating in academic events. Writing for publication.
Module 4. Teaching and learning in English.
Assessment methods and criteria: Current control: listening, monologue and dialogic speech, reading, writing. Control test.
Final control: differentiated test/credit.
The distribution of points according to a 100-point scale
Total for thediscipline 100
Current control (CC)
Classroom work 20:
Listening 5
Reading 5
Speaking 5
Writing 5
Control test 50
Self-study 30:
Exercises from textbooks 5
Lexical and grammatical tests in Virtual Learning Environment 5
Extracurricular reading 5
Vocabulary of educational and special professional vocabulary 5
Monologic speech 5
Dialogic speech 5
Recommended books: • English for academics (book 1) ( 2014) .Cambridge university press and the British Council, CUP
• English for academics (book 2) ( 2014) .Cambridge university press and the British Council, CUP
• Azar, B.S (1999) Understanding and Using English Grammar. New York: Pearson Education. – 437 p.
• Ek, J.A. van and J.L.M.Trim (2001) Vantage. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press. – 187 p.
• Evans, V. (1998) Successful Writing. Blackpill: Express Publishing. – 116 p.
• Kay, S. & Jones, V. (2001) Inside Out. Oxford: MacMillan Publishers Limited. – 160 p.
• Murphy R., English Grammar in Use. CEF Level: B1 Intermediate - B2 High Intermediate. Cambridge University Press.
• Quick Placement Test (2001) Oxford: Oxford University Press. – 26 p.