Economics and Enterprise Management

Major: Radio Engineering
Code of subject: 7.172.07.O.7
Credits: 3.00
Department: Management and International Business
Lecturer: Shpak Nestor, Doctor of economics, Prof., Uliana Kohut, PhD, Associate Prof.
Semester: 1 семестр
Mode of study: денна
Learning outcomes: Following the completion of the module the student should: - have knowledge of the place, features of communication and its role in informatization of society; understand modern management; the basics of planning in the industry; composition and use of production funds of communication; the structure of communication services and methods of their calculation; bases of organization of labor and wages; the cost of communication services; communications finance; methods of determining the efficiency of production, capital investment and new communication technology; - аbility to organize and manage team work in the direction of professional activity; - аbility to present the results of professional activity.
Required prior and related subjects: -co-requisite: theory of construction and protocols of infocommunication networks, global information infrastructure
Summary of the subject: The study of the discipline "Economics and Business Management" will contribute to the formation and mastering of students 'in-depth knowledge of: the characteristics of the branch of communication, its structure, concepts of capital and operating costs, fixed assets and circulating assets, forms, systems of remuneration, formation of the cost of services' forecasting of incomes and profits of enterprises and estimation of efficiency of realization of projects in the field of telecommunications
Assessment methods and criteria: - Current control (30%): independent work, individual assignments, oral interviews; - the final assessment (70%): paperwork (50%), oral answers (20%)
Recommended books: 1. Грибик І.І. Економіка та управління підприємством: теорія і практика: навч. Посібн./ І.І. Грибик, Т.В. Кулініч, Н.В. Смолінська, Н.О.Шпак, В.Я. Гавран –Львів:Вид-во НУ «ЛП», 2014. – 428с. 2. Кузьмін О.Є., Мельник О.Г. Основи менеджменту: підручник. – К.: «Академвидав», 2003. – 416 с. 3. Кузьмін О.Є. та ін. Економіка інноваційного підприємства / О.Є. Кузьмін, І.Н. Пащенко, Л.І. Чернобай, А.О. Босак. Львів: Видавництво Львівської політехніки, – 2009.- 456с. 4. Планування діяльності підприємств: навчальний посібник. [видання друге, доповнене і перероблене] / Н.П. Резнік, О.О. Непочатенко, Л.В. Транченко, О.М. Транченко, Р.І. Лопатюк. – К. : КиМУ, 2014. – 448 с.