Digital Signal Processing

Major: Telecommunications and Radio Engineering
Code of subject: 6.172.03.E.119
Credits: 5.00
Department: Radioelectronic Appliances and Systems
Lecturer: PhD, associate prof. Leonid Lazko
Semester: 8 семестр
Mode of study: денна
Learning outcomes: Upon completion of the course, the student must: -See the classification of signals by the way of presentation and the peculiarities of each mode of presentation. -See processes and phenomena that arise when sampling continuous signals -See methods of synthesizing digital signal processing systems -See the methods for analyzing digital signal processing systems -See the properties of discrete systems and signals -To be able to synthesize the algorithm of digital signal processing and the system for its implementation -Move to analyze the digital signal processing system -Move to conduct mathematical modeling of processes of formation and processing of discrete signals
Required prior and related subjects: The student must have knowledge of courses: -Signals and processes in REA -Digital technology and microprocessors -Mathematical analysis -Theory of functions of a complex variable -Theory of probabilities
Summary of the subject: The course consists of the main topics: - Areas of use DSP. Classification of signals -Disection of continuous signals - Linear signal transformations - Fourier transform - Convolution of discrete signals - Correlation and its usage - Special filtering - Image processing
Assessment methods and criteria: Current control 20% Final control 80%
Recommended books: 1. L.M. Goldenberg bd Matyushkin, MN Pole. Digital signal processing. Directory. - M .: Radio and communication, 1985.- 311 p. (Russian) 2. E. Shrewer. Digital processing of discrete signals. Textbook for students of technical specialties of high schools. Translation with g., 1992. - 294 pp. (Russian) 3. Lazko L.V. Convolution of discrete signals. Methodical Instructions, 2010, 8 pp.(Ukrainian)

Digital Signal Processing

Major: Telecommunications and Radio Engineering
Code of subject: 6.172.04.E.134
Credits: 5.00
Department: Radioelectronic Appliances and Systems
Lecturer: PhD, associate prof. Leonid Lazko
Semester: 8 семестр
Mode of study: денна
Learning outcomes: Upon completion of the course, the student must: -See the classification of signals by the way of presentation and the peculiarities of each mode of presentation. -See processes and phenomena that arise when sampling continuous signals -See methods of synthesizing digital signal processing systems -See the methods for analyzing digital signal processing systems -See the properties of discrete systems and signals -To be able to synthesize the algorithm of digital signal processing and the system for its implementation -Move to analyze the digital signal processing system -Move to conduct mathematical modeling of processes of formation and processing of discrete signals
Required prior and related subjects: The student must have knowledge of courses: -Signals and processes in REA -Digital technology and microprocessors -Mathematical analysis -Theory of functions of a complex variable -Theory of probabilities
Summary of the subject: The course consists of the main topics: - Areas of use DSP. Classification of signals -Disection of continuous signals - Linear signal transformations - Fourier transform - Convolution of discrete signals - Correlation and its usage - Special filtering - Image processing
Assessment methods and criteria: Current control 20% Final control 80%
Recommended books: 1. L.M. Goldenberg bd Matyushkin, MN Pole. Digital signal processing. Directory. - M .: Radio and communication, 1985.- 311 p. (Russian) 2. E. Shrewer. Digital processing of discrete signals. Textbook for students of technical specialties of high schools. Translation with g., 1992. - 294 pp. (Russian) 3. Lazko L.V. Convolution of discrete signals. Methodical Instructions, 2010, 8 pp.(Ukrainian)

Digital Signal Processing

Major: Telecommunications and Radio Engineering
Code of subject: 6.172.07.E.180
Credits: 5.00
Department: Radioelectronic Appliances and Systems
Lecturer: PhD, associate prof. Leonid Lazko
Semester: 8 семестр
Mode of study: денна
Learning outcomes: Upon completion of the course, the student must: -See the classification of signals by the way of presentation and the peculiarities of each mode of presentation. -See processes and phenomena that arise when sampling continuous signals -See methods of synthesizing digital signal processing systems -See the methods for analyzing digital signal processing systems -See the properties of discrete systems and signals -To be able to synthesize the algorithm of digital signal processing and the system for its implementation -Move to analyze the digital signal processing system -Move to conduct mathematical modeling of processes of formation and processing of discrete signals
Required prior and related subjects: The student must have knowledge of courses: -Signals and processes in REA -Digital technology and microprocessors -Mathematical analysis -Theory of functions of a complex variable -Theory of probabilities
Summary of the subject: The course consists of the main topics: - Areas of use DSP. Classification of signals -Disection of continuous signals - Linear signal transformations - Fourier transform - Convolution of discrete signals - Correlation and its usage - Special filtering - Image processing
Assessment methods and criteria: Current control 20% Final control 80%
Recommended books: 1. L.M. Goldenberg bd Matyushkin, MN Pole. Digital signal processing. Directory. - M .: Radio and communication, 1985.- 311 p. (Russian) 2. E. Shrewer. Digital processing of discrete signals. Textbook for students of technical specialties of high schools. Translation with g., 1992. - 294 pp. (Russian) 3. Lazko L.V. Convolution of discrete signals. Methodical Instructions, 2010, 8 pp.(Ukrainian)

Digital Signal Processing

Major: Telecommunications and Radio Engineering
Code of subject: 6.172.06.E.165
Credits: 5.00
Department: Electronics and Information Technology
Lecturer: prof. Yuriy Romanyshyn
Semester: 8 семестр
Mode of study: денна
Learning outcomes: By the end of the study, learners are expected to: know: - main tasks of digital signal processing; - methods of digital signal transform; - spectral analysis of signals; - correlation analysis of signals; - wavelet transform of signals; - Z-transform of signals; - digital filtering of signals; - digital image processing; be able: - carry out spectral analysis of signals using discrete and fast Fourier transform; - carry out correlation analysis of signals; - implement wavelet transform of signals; - synthesize digital filter by its specified parameters; - perform specified digital image transform; - use software for digital signal processing, including MATLAB system.
Required prior and related subjects: Prerequisites: Signals Theory Corequisites: Absent
Summary of the subject: The tasks of digital signal processing. Sampling and quantization of analog signals. Kotelnikov-Shannon theorem. Changing the sampling frequency. Decimation. Interpolation. Oversampling. Standard and test digital signals. Generalized scheme of digital signal processing. Spectral analysis of signals. Discrete Fourier transform and its properties. Spectrum spreading. Weighting functions. FFT algorithms. FFT with decimation by time. FFT with decimation by frequency. Correlation analysis of signals. Correlation function. Mutual correlation function. The relationship between correlation functions and spectra of signals. Convolution. Hilbert transform. Discrete Hilbert transform. Z-transform of signals. Wavelet transform of signals. Continuous wavelet transform. Discrete wavelet transform. Compression and decompression of signals. Digital filtering of signals. Recursive and non-recursive filters. Relationship between DFT and digital filtering. Synthesis of digital filters. Digital processing of acoustic signals. Digital Processing of Speech Signals. Recognition of Speech Signals. Digital image processing. Compression and decompression of images. Digital Signal Processing in MATLAB Signal Processing Toolbox.
Assessment methods and criteria: Current control: laboratory reports, oral interviewing – 25 points. Final control: written and verbal examination; written part – 65 points, verbal part – 10 points.
Recommended books: 1. Цифрова обробка сигналів: навч. посібник / А.Й. Наконечний, Р.А. Наконечний, В.А. Павлиш. – Львів: Видавництво Львівської політехніки, 2010. – 368 с. 2. Лайонс Р. Цифровая обработка сигналов: Второе издание. Пер. с англ. – М.: ООО «Бином-Пресс», 2006. – 656 с. 3. Сергиенко А.Б. Цифровая обработка сигналов. – СПб.: Питер, 2002. – 608 с. 4. Яне Б. Цифровая обработка изображений. – М.: Техносфера, 2007. – 584 с. 5. Мандзій Б.А., Желяк Р.І. Основи теорії сигналів. Підручник. – Львів: Ініціатива, 2008. – 240 с. 6. Бондарев В.Н., Трестер Г., Чернега В.С. Цифровая обработка сигналов: методы и средства. Учеб. пособие для вузов. 2-е изд. – Х.: Конус, 2001. – 398 с. 7. Основы цифровой обработки сигналов: Курс лекций / А.И. Солонина, Д.А. Улахович, С.М. Арбузов, Е.Б. Соловьева / Изд. 2-е, испр. и перераб. – СПб.: БХВ-Петербург, 2005. – 768 с. 8. Рудаков П.И., Сафонов И.В. Обработка сигналов и изображений. MATLAB 5.x. Под общей редакцией к.т.н. В.Г.Потемкина. – М.: ДИАЛОГ-МИФИ, 2000. – 416 с. - (Пакеты прикладных программ. Кн. 2). 9. Оппенгейм А., Шафер Р. Цифровая обработка сигналов. – М.: Техносфера, 2006. – 856 с.