Biomedical Equipment Component Base

Major: Biomedical Engineering (Internet of Things)
Code of subject: 6.163.03.O.015
Credits: 4.00
Department: Electronics and Information Technology
Lecturer: Roman Holyaka
Semester: 3 семестр
Mode of study: денна
Learning outcomes: By the end of the study, learners are expected to: - know requirements electrical and mechanical parameters of biomedical electronic devices’ components, comprehend the biologic and electric compatibility; - comprehend the fundamentals of biomedical devices’ active and passive electronic components; - demonstrate knowledge and skills of biomedical device components’ design and simulation, synthesis and using of SPICE models; - know types and principals of integrated circuits; - know types and principals of sensors and actuators; - demonstrate knowledge and skills of using electronic components in biomedical devices; - demonstrate knowledge of recent trends in biomedical devices’ components.
Required prior and related subjects: Circuit technique of biomedical devices
Summary of the subject: Requirements to electrical and mechanical parameters of biomedical electronic devices’ components. Biologic and electric compatibility. Active and passive electronic components. Integrated circuits. Sensors and actuators. Basics of electronics components simulation. Physic fundamentals of electronic components. Semiconductor diodes. Bipolar transistors. Components on thyristor structures. Field effect MOS transistors. Components on field effect MOS structures. P-n junction field effect transistors. Bipolar junction field-effect transistors BJFET. Power electronic components. Components of ultrahigh frequency electronics. Components of quantum electronics. Electronic components of telemedicine and Internet of Things.
Assessment methods and criteria: Current control: laboratory reports, oral interviewing, written tests – 40 points (40 %). Final control: control procedure – test - written and verbal examination – 60 points (60 %).
Recommended books: 1. Основи біомедичного радіоелектронного апаратобудування: навчальний посібник. Злепко С.М., Павлов С.В., Коваль Л.Г. та ін. – Вінниця: ВНТУ. – 2011. 2. Електроніка і мікросхемотехніка : у 4 т. Т.1. Елементна база електронних пристроїв / За ред. Віталій Іванович Сенько В.І. – Київ : Обереги, 2000. 3. Електроніка і мікросхемотехніка: підруч. / За ред. А.Г. Соскова. Київ : Каравела. 2009. 4. Пахарьков Г. Биомедицинская инженерия. Проблемы и перспективы. Издательство: Политехника, 2011г. 5. Alessandro Bassi, Martin Bauer, Martin Fiedler. Enabling Things to Talk: Designing IoT solutions with the IoT Architectural Reference Model. Springer Heidelberg. -2013.