Physical and Theoretical Basics of Design and Biomedical Device Reliability

Major: Biomedical Engineering (Internet of Things)
Code of subject: 6.163.03.O.54
Credits: 5.00
Department: Electronics and Information Technology
Lecturer: PhD, prof., Storchun Yevhen Volodymyrovych
Semester: 4 семестр
Mode of study: денна
Learning outcomes: By the end of the study, learners are expected to be able to: - Know the basic provisions of the general methodology of design of electronic devices, modeling basics structures and physical processes that occur in structures during their operation; Basics of the theory of reliability of electrical devices; understand basic physical processes in structures and their destabilizing effects on the functioning of electronic devices; - Be able to analyze the qualitative characteristics of accepted design solutions.
Required prior and related subjects: Prerequisites: Advanced mathematics, Physics Corequisites: Fundamentals of microelectronics
Summary of the subject: The design of electronic devices and design methodology. The physical processes in the operation of electronic devices and their interaction with the surrounding infrastructure. General methodology of design of electronic devices: a systematic approach to building construction and analysis, mathematical modeling of physical processes in the construction, optimal synthesis of design solutions. Fundamentals of modeling structures and physical processes. Modeling of heat transfer in the construction of electronic devices. Modeling of moisture in the construction of electronic devices. Modelling of the mechanical characteristics of structures of electronic devices. Basics of the theory of reliability of electric devices.
Assessment methods and criteria: Сurrent control (30%): on the results of laboratory work and protection; Final control (70%): testing, oral questioning
Recommended books: 1.Нечипоренко О.М. Основи надійності літальних апаратів [Текст]: Навч. посіб.-К.:НТУУ «КПІ».-2010.-240с. 2.Гель П.П., Іванов-Есипович Н.К. Конструирование и микроминиатюризация радиоэлектронной аппаратуры. Учебник для высших учебных заведений. - Л.: Энергоатомиздат, 1984. 3.Дульнев Г.Н. Тепло- и массообмен в радиоэлектронной аппаратуре. Учебник для высших учебных заведений.-М.: Высшая школа, 1984. 4.Токарев М.Ф., Талицкий Е.Н., Фролов В.Н. Механические воздействия и защита радиоэлектронной аппаратуры / Под ред. В.Н. Фролова. – М.: Радио и связь, 1984.