Architecture of Information and Communication Systems

Major: Information and Communication Systems
Code of subject: 6.126.02.E.087
Credits: 5.00
Department: Telecommunication
Lecturer: Ph.D Pyrih Yuliia Volodymyrivna
Semester: 5 семестр
Mode of study: денна
Learning outcomes: - Ability to analyse the object of design or operation and its subject area; - Ability to apply standards in the field of information systems and technologies in the development of functional profiles, construction and integration of systems, products, services and elements of the organisation's infrastructure; - Ability to design, develop, debug and improve system, communication and software and hardware of information and communication systems; - Ability to design, develop and use the means of implementing information systems, technologies and infocommunications (methodological, information, algorithmic, technical, software and other); - Ability to assess and take into account economic, social, technological and environmental factors at all stages of the life cycle of information and communication systems; - Ability to use modern information systems and technologies (production, decision support, data mining, etc.) in the performance of functional tasks and responsibilities; - Ability to select, design, manage, administer and maintain information systems, technologies and infocommunications, services and infrastructure of the organisation; - Ability to use modern information and communication systems and technologies (including those based on the use of the Internet).
Required prior and related subjects: Information systems technologies and protocols Operating systems and network technologies Software platforms of information and communication systems
Summary of the subject: The purpose of teaching the discipline is to form general cultural and professional competencies in students that determine the readiness and ability of a specialist in information and communication systems and technologies to use knowledge in the field of information and communication systems in solving practical problems within the framework of design and development, design and technological and production and technological activities of professional activity. As a result of studying the discipline, the student must: - master the basic principles of building information and communication systems; - study architectures, models of information and communication systems, the main components of information and communication systems; - acquire theoretical and practical skills in the use of modern software tools for creating information and communication systems.
Assessment methods and criteria: Defence of laboratory works - 40 points, examination control - 60 points (45 - written component, 15 - oral component).
Recommended books: 1. Sergeev V. I. Logistika: informatsionnyie sistemyi i tehnologii : uchebn. prakt. posobie / V. I. Sergeev, M. N. Grigorev, S. A. Uvarov. — M. : Alfa-Press, 2008. — 608 s. 2. Osnovi InformatsIynih sistem: Navch. posIbnik. – Vid. 2-ge, pererob. I dop. / V. F. Sitnik, T. A. Pisarevska, N. V. EromIna, O. S. KraEva; Za red. V. F. Sitnika. – K.: KNEU, 2001. – 420 s. 3. Arhitektura informatsionnyih sistem [Tekst]: ucheb. dlya stud. uchrezhdeniy vyissh. prof. obrazovaniya / B.Ya. Sovetov, A.I. Vodyaho, V.A. Dubenetskiy, V.V. Tsehanovskiy. – M.: Izdatelskiy tsentr «Akademiya», 2012. – 288 s. 4. Larman K. Primenenie UML i shablonov proektirovaniya: Vvedenie v ob'ektno-orientirovannyiy analiz i proektirovanie: Uchebnoe posobie: Per. s angl. - M.: Vilyams, 2001. - 496 s. 5. Eliferov V. G. Biznes-protsessyi: Reglamentatsiya i upravlenie: Uchenik / V. G. Eliferov, V. V. Repin. – M.: INFRA-M, 2004. – 320 s. 6. Pavlenko L. A. KorporativnI InformatsIynI sistemi: Navchalniy posIbnik. – HarkIv: VD «INZhEK», 2003. – 260 s. 7. Karpov L.E. Arhitektura raspredelennyih sistem programmnogo obespecheniya / L.E. Karpov. – M.: MAKS Press, 2007. – 130 s. 8. SuchasnI InformatsIynI sistemi I tehnologIYi: navch.-metod. posIb. dlya samost. roboti ta prakt. zanyat z navch. distsiplIni / uklad.: V. G. Ivanov, S. M. Ivanov, V. V. Karasyuk ta In. – H.: Nats. yurid. un-t Im. Yaroslava Mudrogo, 2014. – 151 s. 9. Gayna G. A. Osnovi proektuvannya baz danih : navch. posIb. / Gayna G. A. – K.: Kondor, 2008. – 200 s. 10. Zaritska O. L. Bazi danih ta InformatsIynI sistemi : metod. posIb. / Zaritska O. L. – Zhitomir : Vid-vo ZhDU Im. I. Franka, 2009. – 132 s.