Operating Systems and Networking

Major: Information and Communication Systems
Code of subject: 6.126.02.O.016
Credits: 7.00
Department: Telecommunication
Lecturer: Orest Kostiv
Semester: 3 семестр
Mode of study: денна
Learning outcomes: Be able to organize the theoretical knowledge to work with real equipment; Know the principles of construction and operation of telecommunications networks operating systems; Know the principles of building client-server and file server solutions based network operating systems; Know the principles of construction and administration of servers Telecommunication Systems OS Windows Server, Linux and FreeBSD; Know the principles of operation and administration devices switching and routing of telecommunication systems based operating system SISCO IOS. Know the principles of the use of virtualization in today's operating systems; Know the principles of construction and management features of OS for mobile platforms (Andrpid, iOS)
Required prior and related subjects: Basics of IT Information security systems of telecommunication networks Fundamentals of network technologies System programming
Summary of the subject: Principles of functioning and operating systems telkeomunikation networks; Principles of client-server and file server solutions based network operating systems; Principles Server administration and telecommunication systems OS Windows Server, Linux and FreeBSD; How to use virtualization in modern OS; principles of construction and administration features of OS for mobile platforms (Andrpid, iOS);
Assessment methods and criteria: It’s just a matter of time for students to visit a laboratory workshop, to revenge dozens of practical, practical-oriented projects, to develop certain theoretical training programs, depending on the number of programs. Evaluation of the results of laboratory robots transferred to the basic form of flow control. Also, the test is carried out on lectures and laboratory work. Evaluating the results of the presentation of the individual scientific-pre-dreamed-of-the-way endeavors to the mind allowing students to motivate them with the help of more scientific studies and rejection of the previous balls. Semester examination control is carried out in written form on the basis of a broken set of examination certificates, which is confirmed at a specific office of the department. Assessment criteria: written reports of practical work, oral examination (40%); control examination (60% control measure, exam), writing (50%), oral form (10%)
Recommended books: 1. Thompson S., Cesarini F. Programming in Erlang / Per. from English Kholomyova A.O. - M .: DMK Press, 2012 .-- 488 p .: ill. (Series "Functional programming"). 2. Armstrong J. Programming Erlang. Software for a Concurrent World. Dallas, TX: The Pragmatic Bookshelf, 2007 .-- 519 pp .: illustrated. 3. Freeman A. Pro .NET 4 Parallel Programming in C #. Moscow: Apress, 2010 .-- 328 p., Ill. 4. Neward T. Server-Based Java Programming. Grinwich: Manning, 2013.- 556 pp.