Architecture of Information and Communication Systems

Major: Information and Communication Systems
Code of subject: 6.126.02.E.89
Credits: 5.00
Department: Telecommunication
Lecturer: Ph.D.Pyrih Yuliya Volodymyrivna
Semester: 5 семестр
Mode of study: денна
Learning outcomes: The study of the discipline involves the formation and development of students' competencies: general: Ability to abstract thinking, analysis and synthesis; Ability to apply knowledge in practical situations; Ability to understand the subject area and professional activity; Ability to learn and master modern knowledge; Ability to search, process and summarize information from various sources; Ability to develop and manage projects; Ability to evaluate and ensure the quality of work performed. professional: Ability to analyze the object of design or operation and its subject area; Ability to apply standards in the field of information systems and technologies in the development of functional profiles, construction and integration of systems, products, services and infrastructure elements of the organization; Ability to design, develop, debug and improve system, communication and software and hardware of information and communication systems; Ability to design, develop and use tools for the implementation of information systems, technologies and infocommunications (methodological, informational, algorithmic, technical, software and others); Ability to assess and take into account economic, social, technological and environmental factors at all stages of the life cycle of infocommunication systems; Ability to use modern information systems and technologies (production, decision support, data mining, etc.) in the performance of functional tasks and responsibilities; Ability to select, design, manage, administer and maintain information systems, technologies and infocommunications, services and infrastructure of the organization; Ability to use modern information and communication systems and technologies (including those based on the use of the Internet). The learning outcomes of this discipline detail the following program learning outcomes: Apply knowledge of basic and natural sciences, systems analysis and modeling technologies, standard algorithms and discrete analysis in solving problems of design and use of information systems and technologies; To use basic knowledge of informatics and modern information systems and technologies, methods and means of analysis of information systems, implementation of the information system project; Conduct a systematic analysis of design objects and justify the choice of structure, algorithms and methods of information transfer in information systems and technologies; Argue the choice of software and hardware for the creation of information systems and technologies based on the analysis of their properties, purpose and technical characteristics, taking into account the requirements for the system and operating conditions; Demonstrate knowledge of the current level of structure of information and communication systems and technologies, methods of analysis and models of design solutions, configuration of information systems, practical skills in using applied and specialized computer systems and environments for their implementation in professional activities. As a result of studying the discipline, the specialist must know: structure, composition and properties of information processes, systems and technologies; methods of analysis of information and communication systems, models for submitting design decisions, configurations of information and communication systems; basic approaches to creating different types of architecture; computer methods of collecting, processing, analyzing, transmitting and storing information; methods and means of distributed systems and parallel calculations; methods and means of information technology; technologies and tools for developing information systems in various sectors of the economy; mathematical methods, computer models and software tools for practical tasks in this specialty. A trained specialist must be able to: to develop information-logical, functional and object-oriented models of information-communication system, data models of information systems; apply information technology in the design of information and communication systems; choose the most effective architecture for the implementation of the necessary infocommunication solution according to various criteria; formulate new tasks and ideas in the field of intelligent information technologies, choose the appropriate directions and appropriate methods for their solution; apply methods and tools of modern information technology for the design and development of information and communication systems in various fields.
Required prior and related subjects: Previous academic disciplines (prerequisites) 1. Operating systems 2. Fundamentals of information technology Related and subsequent disciplines (co-requisites) 1. Web-oriented information systems 2. Technologies of information and communication systems
Summary of the subject: The development of information and communication system consists of three stages: analysis, design and implementation, as a result of iterative implementation of which is a step-by-step "building" of the system. At the stages of analysis and design, the architecture of the future information and communication system is being built. The software architecture of a system or set of systems consists of all important design decisions about the program structures and the interactions between those structures that make up the system. Design solutions provide the desired set of properties that the system must maintain to meet customer requirements and function effectively. Having studied the educational material of this course, students will learn or supplement their knowledge of existing architectures, models of information and communication systems, the main components of the systems; learn to use modern software to create effective information and communication systems.
Assessment methods and criteria: Current control (evaluation of laboratory classes) - 40%; Examination control (written component + oral component) - 60%
Recommended books: 1. Sergeev VI Logistics: information systems and technologies: textbook. practice. manual / VI Sergeev, MN Grigoriev, SA Uvarov. - М.: Альфа-Пресс, 2008. - 608 с. 2. Fundamentals of information systems: Textbook. manual. - View. 2nd, reworked. and ext. / VF Sytnyk, TA Pisarevskaya, NV Eremina, OS Kraeva; For order. VF Sitnik. - К .: КНЕУ, 2001. - 420 с. 3. Architecture of information systems [Text]: textbook. for students. institutions of higher education. prof. education / B.Ya. Советов, А.И. Водяхо, В.А. Дубенецкий, В.В. Цехановский. - M .: Publishing Center "Academy", 2012. - 288 p. 4. Larman K. Application of UML and design templates: Introduction to object-oriented analysis and design: Textbook: Per. with English - M .: Williams, 2001. - 496 p. 5. Eliferov VG Business processes: Regulation and management: Student / VG Eliferov, VV Repin. - M .: INFRA-M, 2004. - 320 p. 6. Pavlenko LA Corporate information systems: Textbook. - Kharkiv: VD "INZHEK", 2003. - 260 p. 7. Karpov LE Architecture of distributed software systems / L.E. Karpov. - М .: МАКС Пресс, 2007. - 130 с. 8. Modern information systems and technologies: teaching method. way. for self. work and practice. classes with teaching. disciplines / compiled by: VG Ivanov, SM Ivanov, VV Karasyuk and others. - H .: Nat. jurid. Univ. Yaroslav the Wise, 2014. - 151 p. 9. Gaina GA Fundamentals of database design: textbook. way. / Gaina GA - K .: Condor, 2008. - 200 p. 10. Zarytska OL Databases and information systems: a method. way. / Zarytska OL - Zhytomyr: ZhSU Publishing House. I. Franko, 2009. - 132 p. 11. Gaidamakin, NA Automated information systems, databases and data banks: textbook. allowance / NA Gaidamakin. - M.: Helios ARV, 2002. - 367 s. 12. Yarotsky, AP Information technologies: conceptual foundations: a course of lectures / AP Yarotsky. - Barnaul: Izd-vo AltGTU im. II Polzunova, 2007. - Part 1. - 106 p. 13. Dolzhenkov V., Stuchenkov A. Microsoft Office Excel 2010. - SPb .: BHV-Petersburg, 2011. - 816 p. 14. Trofimenko EG Creation and processing of databases: a course of lectures / Trofimenko EG, Bukata LN, Shvaiko IG - Odessa: ONAS them. A.S. Popova, 2014. - 140 p. 15. Robert T. Fatrell, Donald F. Schaefer, Linda I. Schaefer. Software project management. Achieving optimal quality at a minimum cost .: Perso-na. - Moscow: Williams Publishing House, 2004. - 1136 p. 16. Vostokin, S.V. Graphic object model of parallel processes and its application in numerical modeling problems [Text] / S.V. East. Publishing House of the Samara Scientific Center of the Russian Academy of Sciences - Samara, 2007. 186 p.