Embedded Systems

Major: Information and Communication Systems
Code of subject: 6.126.02.O.57
Credits: 4.00
Department: Telecommunication
Lecturer: Ph.D. Dumych Stepan Stepanovych
Semester: 5 семестр
Mode of study: денна
Learning outcomes: 1. Know the basic architectures of microprocessor systems. 2. Know the basic commands of the assembler and C. 3. Understand the principles of operation of the main modules of microcontrollers family i8051 and Arduino project. 4. Ability to write programs for serial port, I2C, UART, 1-wire protocol. 5. Ability to debug errors when writing programs. 6. Ability to apply methodological basis for research in the field of information technology 7. Ability to design systems and networks in professional activities using existing regulations and technical standards.
Required prior and related subjects: • System programming • Circuitry of information systems • Fundamentals of information technology
Summary of the subject: The discipline "Embedded Systems" is one of the main sections of the university course of engineering and technical training of students and is one of the basic disciplines in the training of specialists in the field of information and communication systems and intelligent information technologies. The discipline outlines the general architecture of microprocessors, the main assembler and C commands for the family of microcontrollers i8051 and the Arduino project, gives examples of telecommunications systems with I2C, UART, and 1-wire protocols. During the study of the theoretical course and laboratory work, students acquire theoretical knowledge and practical skills of working with microcontrollers of the i8051 family and the Arduino project, which involves the formation and development of students' general and professional competencies for setting technical terms and methods.
Assessment methods and criteria: • written reports on laboratory work, oral examination (30%) • exam control (70% control measure, exam), written-oral form (70%)
Recommended books: 1. Kashif Baig. Hackatronics Using an Arduino Multi-function Shield. / Kashif Baig // London - 2015. 301с. – стор. 150-213 2. Charles Bell. Beginning Sensor Networks with Arduino and Raspberry Pi. / Charles Bell, Paul Manning, Michelle Lowman, Tom Welsh // New York: Business Media, 2013. 407с. – стор. 51-60, 121-144, 189-241, 267-299, 303-387 3. У.Томпкінс, Дж. Уебстер. Сопряжение датчиков и устройств ввода данных с комп’ютерами IBM PC/ U. Thompkins, J. Uobster // Москва:"Мир", 1992. 297с 4. А.Л.Булычёв. В.И.Галкин, В.А.Прохоренко. Аналоговые интегральные схемы: Справ./ А.Л.Булычёв. В.И.Галкин, В.А.Прохоренко // Беларусь, 1993. 382с. 5. Интегральная электроника в измерительных устройствах В.С.Гутников Ленинград "Энегроатомиздат",1990 6. В.И.Зубчук. Справочник по цифровой схемотехнике, Киев "Техника"1990 7. С.В.Якубовский. "Цифровые и аналоговые интегральные микросхемы" Справочник. Москва "Радио и связь",1990 8. Бокселл Дж. «Изучаем Arduino. 65 проектов своими руками», 2016 9. Boloor A., Schwartz M., Shah S., Shah U., «Arduino. Building exciting LED based projects and espionage devices», 2016 10. Kurniawan A., «Arduino Programming with .NET and Sketch (Technology in action)», 2017 11. Maik Schmidt, «Arduino A Quick-Start Guide, 2nd Edition (The Pragmatic Programmers)», 2015 12. Robert Faludi, «Building Wireless Sensor Networks with ZigBee, XBee, Arduino, and Processing», 2010 13. Seneviratne P., «Building Arduino PLCs. The essential techniques you need to develop Arduino-based PLCs», 2017 14. Банци М., «Arduino для начинающих волшебников (Один дома)», 2012