Methodology and Implementation of Scientific Research in Management

Major: Management
Code of subject: 6.073.06.E.152
Credits: 4.00
Department: Human Resource Management and Administration
Lecturer: Zakharchyn Galyna Myronivna,Zakharchyn Halyna Doctor of Economic Sciences, Professor Professor of HR Management and Administration Department Lviv Polytechnic National University
Semester: 8 семестр
Mode of study: денна
Мета вивчення дисципліни: The goal of studying the discipline is for students to acquire basic knowledge of the methodology and organization of scientific research in management, the organization of scientific activity, culture and skills of conducting scientific research to ensure their professional socialization as researchers.
Завдання: general competences: ZK1. The ability to learn, to perceive the acquired knowledge in the subject area and to integrate it with the existing knowledge. ZK2. The ability to be critical and self-critical to understand factors that have a positive or negative impact on communication, and the ability to identify and take these factors into account in specific communication situations. ZK5. The ability to effectively use in practice various theories in the field of training and administration. professional competences: FK5.1. Basic knowledge of features, general patterns of personnel formation, functioning and development. FK5.2 Basic knowledge of the mechanism of identifying values and value orientations of a person, their management with the use of innovative personal technologies.
Learning outcomes: RN1 the ability to demonstrate in-depth knowledge of the analysis of the system of administrative, information and motivational characteristics of personnel activity PH2 Apply the acquired knowledge and understanding to identify, formulate and solve management tasks of enterprises and organizations, using known methods. RN3 Think systematically and apply creative abilities to the formation of fundamentally new ideas in the management of enterprises and organizations. RN4 The ability to establish and maintain relationships with the external environment, analyze the market situation of innovative products, make optimal management decisions in the field of innovative activities, provide their documentary support and effective implementation at all levels of management РН5 Ability to develop and implement personnel policy, to ensure purposeful development of the organization's personnel) PH6. Ability to communicate, including oral and written communication in Ukrainian and foreign languages (English, German, Italian, French, Spanish
Required prior and related subjects: The previous ones educational disciplines Marketing research Development of the organization's personne Associated and subsequent educational disciplines Qualification examPractice on the subject of the bachelor's qualification work Completion of bachelor's qualification work
Summary of the subject: Science and scientific research in the modern world. Methodology and methods of scientific research. Scientific thinking and logic in the organization and conduct of scientific research. Information support of scientific researches. Preparation of master's and bachelor's papers. Types and features of scientific researches results presentation. Organization of scientific research in Ukraine.
Опис: Topic 1. Science and scientific research in the development of the intellectual potential of the country and the intellectualization of management 1.1. Science as a system of knowledge. Functions of science 1.2. Theoretical and methodological principles of science 1.3. The development of science in a historical perspective 1.4. The role of science in the development of the intellectual potential of Ukraine Topic 2. Technological aspects of scientific research 2.1. The essential concept of scientific research 2.2. The main stages of scientific research 2.3. Information provision of scientific research 2.4. Integrity and ethics of scientific research 2.5. Intellectual culture and its role in scientific research Topic 3. Basic provisions of scientific methodology 3.1. Object and subject of scientific research 3.2. Logic and methodology of scientific research 3.3. General characteristics of scientific research methods Topic 4. Organization of scientific research 4.1. Selection and formation of issues of scientific research 4.2. Research activities of students 4.3. Thesis competition as a form of participation in research works Topic 5. Types of scientific publications and their approval 5.1. Scientific monograph 5.2. Scientific Article 5.3. Theses of the scientific report; scientific essay 5.4. Speeches, report, informative message at scientific seminars, scientific and practical conferences, symposia Topic 6. Qualification works of higher education applicants 6.1. Bachelor's qualification work: writing, design, defense 6.2. Master's thesis as a qualification study
Assessment methods and criteria: Current control (60%): practical tasks, situational tasks, oral survey. Final control (40%, credit): testing, theoretical questions, situational tasks, oral component. The form of assessment is written and oral. The option consists of tasks, when solving which the student must demonstrate his knowledge and skills acquired during the study of the theoretical course and the performance of practical classes in the discipline "Methodology and organization of scientific research in management". The time allotted for the task is 90 minutes. Answers to questions are given in writing. The task consists of test questions - the maximum number of points for which is 5 points, theoretical questions - the maximum number of points for which is 10 points, the situational task - 15 points and the oral component - 10 points. The answer should be clear, concise, at the same time fully reveal the essence of the question, with the correct use of terms, signs of classification. When considering the test tasks, it is necessary to give one correct answer from the four proposed options. . The basis for scoring is the completeness and correctness of the answer, as well as the student's ability to correctly analyze, evaluate facts and phenomena, correctly applying various methods in specific situations. The basis for scoring is the completeness and correctness of the answer, as well as the student's ability to correctly analyze, evaluate facts and phenomena, correctly applying various methods in specific situations. For each inaccuracy in the answer, from 5 to 20% of points are deducted, depending on its importance, which is determined by the teacher who checks the task. Up to 50% of points may be deducted for an incomplete answer to the given question. If the formulas for solving the problem are written down correctly, but not used, or the calculation is correct, but without specifying the formula, no more than 30% of the points are awarded.
Критерії оцінювання результатів навчання: Maximum score in points Current control (PC) Credit control Total for the discipline Oral presentations at practical classes and problem solving - 15 points, creative works - 30 points, participation in discussions and debates - 5 points Along with the PC, the written component is the oral component 60 30 10 100
Recommended books: 1.Зацерковний В.І.,Тішаєв І.В.,Демидов В.К. Методологія наукових досліджень:наав. пос.-Ніжин:НДІ ім..М.Гоголя,2017.-236с. 2.Бірта Г.О.,Бургу Ю.Г. Методологія і організація наукових досліджень:нав.пос.-К:»Центр учбової л-ри»,2014.-142с. 3.Юринець В.Є. Методологія наукових досліджень: нав.п-к. Львів: ЛНУ ім. Ів. Франка, 2011, 178 с. 4.Основи методології та організації наукових досліджень: нав. п-к. (за ред.. Конверського А.Є.): Київ, Центр учбової л-ри, 2010.-.352с. 5.Важинський С.Є., Щербак Т.І. Методика та організація наукових досліджень: нав.п-к. Суми; Сум ДПУ ім..А.С.Макаренка,2016. 260 с.