Microprocessor Systems

Major: Computer Science (Design and programming of intelligent systems and devices)
Code of subject: 6.122.12.E.046
Credits: 5.00
Department: Computer-Aided Design
Lecturer: DSc, Professor, Lobur Mykhailo Vasyliovych
Semester: 5 семестр
Mode of study: денна
Мета вивчення дисципліни: The purpose of teaching the discipline is the formation of knowledge in the field of designing microsystem devices, taking into account the system, functional, design and technological stages of design. The ability to choose methods and means of modern information technologies for the automated design of microsystems; the ability to develop mathematical models for components of microsystems, taking into account the technological processes of their manufacture; the ability to use modern methods and means of engineering design of complex systems and objects and to carry out their adaptation for the automated design of microsystems; the ability to use modern methods and tools for testing microsystems.
Завдання: The study of an academic discipline involves the formation and development of students' competencies: GENERAL: (INT) The ability to solve complex specialized tasks and practical problems in the field of computer science or in the learning process, which involves the application of theories and methods of information technologies and is characterized by complexity and uncertainty conditions; ZK1. Ability to abstract thinking, analysis and synthesis. ZK2. Ability to apply knowledge in practical situations. ZK4. Ability to communicate in the national language both orally and in writing. ZK5. Ability to communicate in a foreign language. ZK9. Ability to work in a team. ZK10. The ability to be critical and self-critical. ZK14. The ability to realize one's rights and responsibilities as a member of society, to be aware of the values of a civil (free democratic) society and the need for its sustainable development, PROFESSIONALS: FC11. Ability to intellectually analyze data based on methods of computational intelligence, including large and poorly structured data, their operational processing and visualization of analysis results in the process of solving applied problems. FC17. Ability to systematically analyze the architecture of the organization and its IT infrastructure, information system planning.
Learning outcomes: As a result of studying the discipline "Design of microsystems", students should: - KNOW: PR13. To know system programming languages and methods of developing programs that interact with computer system components, to know network technologies, computer network architectures, to have practical skills in the technology of computer network administration and their software 3.1) To have the methods and means of a systematic approach to the automated design process; - BE ABLE TO: • Use basic knowledge of informatics and modern information systems and technologies, programming skills, technologies for safe work in computer networks, methods of creating databases and Internet resources, technologies for developing algorithms and computer programs in high-level languages using object-oriented oriented programming for describing mathematical models of microsystem elements and integrating them into the design process. • To carry out a system analysis of design objects and justify the choice of the design methodology of intelligent systems and devices based on modern group technologies for their production. • Competently use software and technical means to model the elements of intelligent microsystems based on the analysis of their properties, purpose and technical characteristics, taking into account system requirements and operating conditions; have skills in debugging and testing software and technical tools. • Demonstrate knowledge of the modern level of microsystems design methods, practical programming skills and the use of applied and specialized computer systems and environments in order to implement them in professional activities. • Improve and substantiate the selection of elements of microsystems based on the principles of their effective use.
Required prior and related subjects: Prerequisite: Higher Mathematics, Physics, Computer Circuit Engineering and Architecture of Computer Systems, Digital Signal and Image Processing.
Summary of the subject: In the process of studying the discipline, the main attention will be paid to the elements of intelligent devices of microsystems and their design methods.
Опис: A systematic approach to the design of microsystems; History of microelectromechanical systems and electronic equipment; Definition, classification of general requirements; Parameters and characteristics of microsystems; General principles of designing microsystems; Overview of automated microsystems design systems; Manufacturing processes of microsystems; Temperature sensors; Electrical mechanical sensors; Actuators; Acoustic sensors; Chemical sensors; Microfluidic systems; Optical sensors.
Assessment methods and criteria: Current control (40%); written reports on laboratory work, oral examination, control work. Final control (60% of exam); written, oral examination.
Критерії оцінювання результатів навчання: Laboratory classes 30% Practical test 10% Exam written component 50% Exam oral component 10%
Recommended books: 1. Лобур М. Основи мікросистемих пристроїв: [Електронний ресурс] : навч. посіб. / М. Лобур, М. Мельник – Електронні текстові дані (1 файл: 3,97 Мбайт). – Львів: Вид-во НУ «Львівська політехніка», 2015. – 258 с. – Режим доступу: http://cad.lp.edu.ua/project/b3.pdf. – Назва з екрану. 2. Автоматизація проектування мікроелектронних систем. Лабораторний практикум: навч. посібник / Теслюк В. М., Денисюк П.Ю., Мельник М.Р., Лобур М.В. - Львів: Видавництво Львівської політехніки;, 2011 - 148 с. 3. Microfluidics for Medical Applications. Series: RSC Nanoscience & Nanotechnology / Ed. by Segerink L. [et al]. – Royal Society of Chemistry, 2014. - 303 p. 4. MEMS: A Practical Guide to Design, Analysis, and Applications Edited by Jan G. Korvink, University of Freiburg, Germany, 2013, p635 5. ENERGY HARVESTER USING PIEZOELECTRIC AND ELECTROMAGNETIC COIL Submitted by KEE WEI LOON DEPARTMENT OF MECHANICAL ENGINEERING National University of Singapore, 2009, p 205 6. MEMS ACCELEROMETERS Author: Matej Andrejasi , University of Ljubljana Faculty for mathematics and physics,Marec 2008, p 105 7. R.G. Ballas Piezoelectric Multilayer Beam Bending Actuators Static and Dynamic Behavior and Aspects of Sensor Integration, Springer, 2015, p-367 8. Przegalinska A., Wearable Technologies in Organizations: Privacy, Efficiency and Autonomy in Work, Palgrave Pivot, Cham 2019. 9. Семенець В.В. Введення в мікросистемну техніку та нанотехнології [Текст] : підручн. / В.В. Семенець, І. Ш. Невлюдов, В. А. Палагін. – X.: ТОВ «Компанія СМХТ», 2011. – 416 с. 10. Кособуцький П. С. Мікро- і наноелектромеханічні системи: базові принципи проектування явищ, матеріалів та елементів [Текст] : навч. посіб. / Петро Кособуцький, Михайло Лобур, Володимир Кар¬кульовський – Л.: Вид-во Львів. політехніки, 2017. – 400 с. 11. Доля П. Г. Основи моделювання в COMSOL Multiphysics [Електронний ресурс] / Доля П. Г.; ХНУ ім. Каразіна. – Електрон. текст. дані (1 файл: 14,58 Мб). – Х.: ХНУ ім. Каразіна, 2019 р. – 529 с. – Режим доступу: http://geometry.karazin.ua/resources/documents/20191219182458_ 3cc8431d.pdf1 12. Baldwin R., The Globotics Upheaval: Globalization, Robotics, and the Future of Work, Oxford University Press, New York 2019. 13. Microfluidics for Medical Applications. Series: RSC Nanoscience & Nanotechnology / Ed. by Segerink L. [et al]. – Royal Society of Chemistry, 2014. - 303 p. 14. MEMS: A Practical Guide to Design, Analysis, and Applications Edited by Jan G. Korvink, University of Freiburg, Germany, 2013, p635 15. ENERGY HARVESTER USING PIEZOELECTRIC AND ELECTROMAGNETIC COIL Submitted by KEE WEI LOON DEPARTMENT OF MECHANICAL ENGINEERING National University of Singapore, 2009, p 205 16. MEMS ACCELEROMETERS Author: Matej Andrejasi , University of Ljubljana Faculty for mathematics and physics,Marec 2008, p 105 17. R.G. Ballas Piezoelectric Multilayer Beam Bending Actuators Static and Dynamic Behavior and Aspects of Sensor Integration, Springer, 2015, p-367