Cartographic Modelling

Major: Cartography
Code of subject: 7.103.02.E.016
Credits: 5.00
Department: Cartography and Geospatial Modelling
Lecturer: Ph.D., Associate Professor Brydun Andrii
Semester: 2 семестр
Mode of study: денна
Мета вивчення дисципліни: The purpose of teaching the discipline is to familiarize master's students with cartographic modeling, which represents a process that includes the analysis of objects and phenomena, the creation of a cartographic image, its evaluation and transformation as a model in order to use them and acquire new knowledge about them.
Завдання: The study of an academic discipline involves the formation and development of students' competencies: general: • The ability to identify, pose, and solve problems. professional: • Possession of modern methods of research, which are used in production and research organizations in the study of the Earth, its geospheres and their components. • The ability to carry out cartographic monitoring to ensure the rational use of natural resources and environmental protection based on the use of space survey materials. • Ability to create general geographic and thematic maps and atlases.
Learning outcomes: • Analyze the features of natural and anthropogenic systems and objects of the Earth's geosphere. • To be able to carry out environmental assessment, audit, licensing, certification of the use of natural resources, forecast the development of ecological, technological, economic and social consequences at individual objects of nature use. • Develop and implement mechanisms of territorial management, geoplanning, monitor regional development, draw up plans and programs. • Solve practical problems of Earth sciences (by specialization) using theories, principles and methods of various specialties in the field of natural sciences. • To use modern methods of modeling and processing of geoinformation when carrying out innovative activities.
Required prior and related subjects: • Higher mathematics. • Infrastructure of Geospatial Data. • Web Mapping Technologies. • Mathematical and Statistical Methods in Cartography.
Summary of the subject: State-of-the-art developments in methodology, theory and practice of cartographic modeling are summarized. A system of concepts about objects, subject matter and methods of building and using cartographic models in research of the society-nature system is presented. Problems of mathematization of science.
Опис: Topic 1. General provisions and definitions of modeling. Topic 2. General information on cartographic modeling. Map as a model. Topic 3. The subject of cartographic modeling. The concept of a map modeling object. Display of relationships between elements of geosystems. Topic 4. Theoretical and cartographic modeling. Topic 5. Mathematical and cartographic modeling. Combination of mathematical and cartographic models to create maps. Topic 6. Experimental cartographic modeling. Topic 7. Aerospace and cartographic modeling. Aerospace models and possibilities of their use. Topic 8. Cartographic modeling and GIS technologies. The relationship between the map and geographic information systems. Topic 9. Cartographic modeling in various branches of economy.
Assessment methods and criteria: Oral, individual, combined and face-to-face examination in practical classes; checking of intermediate written works; homework protection; protection of laboratory works; final test check.
Критерії оцінювання результатів навчання: • Performance and defense of laboratory work (max 40 points): Lab. do Nos. 1 – 4 (each of the works is evaluated with a maximum of 10 points). • Examination control (max 60 points).
Recommended books: 1. Козаченко Т.І. Картографічне моделювання. Навчальний посібник. / Козаченко Т.І., Пархоменко П.О., Молочко А.М. – Київ. Антекс. – 1999. – С.-320. 2. Божок А.П., Молочко А.М., Остроух В.І. Картографія. Підручник.– Київ. ВПЦ «Київський університет». – 2008. – С. 270. 3. Грек М.О. Картографія: методичні рекомендації до виконання практичних занять і самостійної роботи / М.О. Грек, Т.Г. Басок. Харків нац. ун-т міськ. госп-ва ім. О.М. Бекетова. Харків: ХНУМГ ім. О.М. Бекетова. – 2018. 92 с. 4. Кравців С. С. Картографія програма курсу, контрольні запитання та тести / Кравців С.С., Войтків П.С. Львів: ЛНУ імені Івана Франка. – 2018. – 46 с. 5. Методичні вказівки з курсу «Картографія і картографічне креслення» / Кравців С.С., Кобелька М.В., Іванов Є.А. Львів: Видав. центр Львів. нац. ун¬ту. – 2008. – 25 С. 6. Методичні вказівки до виконання лабораторних робіт з картографії. / Лахоцька Е.Я., Калинич І.В., Ужгород.: УжНУ. – 2021. – 47с. 7. Ляшенко Д.О. Картографія з основами топографії: Навчальний посібник для вищих навчальних закладів. – К.: Наук, думка. – 2008. – 184 с. 8. Сосса Р.І. Картографування території України: історія, перспективи, наукові основи. – К.: Наук. думка. – 2005. – 292 с. 9. Лозинський В.В., Андрейчук Ю.М. Картографо-топографічний словник-довідник [Текст]: навч. посіб. / за науковою редакцією професора І. П. Ковальчука. Київ ; Львів : НУБІП Україна ; ЛНУ ім. Івана Франка, 2014. 256 с.