
Major: Environment Design
Code of subject: 6.022.03.O.029
Credits: 3.00
Department: Design and Architecture Fundamentals
Lecturer: Oleshko Olena Petrіvna Candidate of Architecture, Associate Professor
Semester: 5 семестр
Mode of study: денна
Мета вивчення дисципліни: The purpose of teaching the discipline is to form students' knowledge about the nature of personal phenomena in the field of professional activity of a designer, to provide students with theoretical and methodological knowledge of the psychology of creativity, the regularities of the creative process of talented and ingenious people, the characteristics of the personality of creative people and their mental peculiarities, the conditions and regularities of the development of creative the potential of the individual, as well as in the formation and implementation of integrative intellectual abilities and practical skills in future professional activity.
Завдання: The study of an academic discipline involves the formation and development of students' competencies: Integral competence (INT): INT. The ability to solve complex specialized tasks and practical problems in the field of design, or in the learning process, which involves the application of certain design theories and methods and is characterized by complexity and uncertainty of conditions. General: GC1. Knowledge and understanding of the subject area and understanding of professional activity. GC4. Ability to search, process and analyze information from various sources. GC6. The ability to evaluate and ensure the quality of the work performed. GC7. Appreciation and respect for diversity and multiculturalism. GC9. The ability to preserve and multiply cultural, artistic, ecological, moral, scientific values and achievements of society based on an understanding of the history and patterns of development of the subject area, its place in the general system of knowledge about nature and society and in the development of society, techniques and technologies, to use various types and forms of motor activity for active recreation and leading a healthy lifestyle Professional (special): CS8. The ability to make a color solution of the future design object. CS10. Ability to apply knowledge of applied sciences in professional activities (by specialization). CS11. The ability to achieve success in a professional career, to develop and present visual presentations, a portfolio of one's own works, to possess entrepreneurial skills for carrying out design activities.
Learning outcomes: The learning outcomes of this discipline detail the following program learning outcomes: PLO1. Apply the acquired knowledge and understanding of the subject area and sphere of professional activity in practical situations. PLO2. To communicate freely in national and foreign languages orally and in writing on professional matters, to form various types of professional documents in accordance with the requirements of the culture of oral and written communication. PLO3. Collect and analyze information to justify a design project, apply design theory and methodology, professional terminology (according to professional direction), the basics of scientific research. PLO5. Understand and faithfully perform your part of the work in the team; determine the priorities of professional activity. PLO6. To be aware of the responsibility for the quality of the work performed, to ensure the performance of the task at a high professional level. PLO19. Develop and present the results of work in a professional environment, understand the stages of achieving success in a professional career, take into account modern trends in the labor market, conduct market research, choose an appropriate business model, develop a business plan for professional activity in the field of design. COM1. Ability to communicate, including oral and written communication in Ukrainian and foreign languages (English, German, Italian, French, Spanish); COM2. The ability to use a variety of methods, including modern information technologies, for effective communication at the professional and social levels. AiR1. Ability to adapt to new situations and make appropriate decisions. AiR2. The ability to realize the need for lifelong learning in order to deepen the acquired new professional knowledge. AiR3. The ability to take responsibility for the work performed, to make decisions independently, to achieve the set goal in compliance with the requirements of professional ethics. AiR4. The ability to popularize national and world cultural heritage, as well as to promote manifestations of patriotism, national self-awareness and ethno-cultural self-identification. AiR5. The ability to form environmental consciousness and personal culture, to apply ecological principles in life and professional activity.
Required prior and related subjects: Previous disciplines: Philosophy, History of art, architecture and design Related disciplines: Interactive design, Theories of communication in mass culture.
Summary of the subject: The discipline "Psychology of Design" is one of the obligatory disciplines of professional training of students of the first (bachelor's) level of higher education bachelor's degree, specialty "Design". As a result of studying the discipline the student can acquire knowledge about the nature of personal phenomena in professional activities, gain theoretical and methodological knowledge about the psychology of creativity, get acquainted with the laws of the creative process and development of creative potential and apply the acquired knowledge in their professional activities.
Опис: Lecture 1. Personality (as a mental phenomenon) and its professional activity. The concept of personality from the standpoint of various theoretical concepts. Personality as a specific person who belongs to a certain society and social group; is aware of his attitude to the environment, the people and himself, engages in certain professional activities, is distinguished by peculiar features of behavior and activity; possesses a system of mental and sociopsychic properties and qualities inherent only to it. The essence of the individual's professional activity. The place of worldview and value dimension of personality development in the context of her professional career. Lecture 2. Introduction to design psychology. Creativity in human life and activity. Psychological theories of art. Social and individual psychology of art. Subjective and objective psychology of communicative art. The influence of creativity on the development and life activity of a person. Peculiarities of individual and joint activity of designers. Communications of designers. The psychological influence of creativity and its role in the psychology of design. Types of psychological influence. Classification of types of influence based on psychological constructiveness/non-constructiveness. "Technical" means of influence. Lecture 3. Theories of personality and psychology of design. The theory of the creative person. The role of personality in the psychology of communicative design. Psychological theories of motivation. The main regularities of the development of the motivational sphere. Motivational behavior. Creativity as a non-rational process. Sublimation in creative activity. Creativity as a "manifestation" of the content of the unconscious. The concept of "personal growth" as a creative process in humanistic psychology. Existential. Creativity as an opposition to the monotony and totalitarianism of modern society. Connection of art therapy with creative practices. Lecture 4. Mental processes as structural elements of control of human creative activity. Psychological characteristics of a designer's work. The role of feelings in the psychology of design. The role of perception in design psychology. The role of imagination in the psychology of design. The role of memory in the psychology of design. General characteristics of imagination and its role in design psychology. The role of design psychology attention. The role of emotions in design psychology. Lecture 5. Psychology of art, artistic design, scientific invention and creativity. "Psycho-design" as a science of adaptation of the subject-spatial environment to the requirements of human life. A psychological approach to the design of graphic space. Psychological problems of mass information processes. Information theory and its connection with design creativity. Elements of the communication chain. Psychological problems of graphic design. Lecture 6. The influence of art, architecture, design on the development of creativity. Lecture 7. Research of the creative activity of the individual. Groups of methods of the psychology of creativity: methods of obtaining initial data; registration and pre-processing methods. The use of tests in the study of creative abilities and activities. Non-traditional methods aimed at objectively recording unconscious links of thinking. A method of modeling the situation of a creative task. Lecture 8. Methods of stimulating creative activity: individual and group. Goals of stimulating creative activity. Psychological features of motivational processes as mental phenomena. The concept of stimulation as a means of influencing human behavior. Stimulus phenomenon, types and features of stimuli. The mechanism of using incentives. Differences in stimulation and motivation. Peculiarities of the structure of individual needs in the context of innovative activity.
Assessment methods and criteria: During the semester, a student can score 40 points for four tasks and 60 points for the final research work. The sum of grades received by the student for the specified types of completed academic work is the final semester grade.
Критерії оцінювання результатів навчання: General criteria for assessing students' learning achievements The grade "excellent" is assigned for full and solid knowledge of the material in a given volume, the ability to freely perform practical tasks provided by the curriculum; for knowledge of basic and additional literature; for creativity in understanding and creative use of acquired knowledge and skills. "Good" is given for the student's demonstration of complete, systematic knowledge of the discipline, successful completion of practical tasks, mastering basic and additional literature, the ability to independently replenish and update knowledge. But there are minor mistakes in the student's answer. "Satisfactory" is given for the manifestation of knowledge of the basic educational material in the amount sufficient for further study and future professional activity, superficial awareness of the basic and additional literature provided by the curriculum; significant errors in the performance of practical tasks are possible, but the student is able to eliminate them with the help of the teacher. "Unsatisfactory" is assigned to a student whose answer during the reproduction of the main program material is superficial, fragmentary, due to the initial ideas about the subject of study. Thus, the grade "unsatisfactory" is assigned to a student who is unable to study or perform professional activities after graduation without repeated training in the program of the relevant discipline.
Порядок та критерії виставляння балів та оцінок: 100–88 points – (“excellent”) is awarded for a high level of knowledge (some inaccuracies are allowed) of the educational material of the component contained in the main and additional recommended literary sources, the ability to analyze the phenomena being studied in their interrelationship and development, clearly, succinctly, logically, consistently answer the questions, the ability to apply theoretical provisions when solving practical problems; 87–71 points – (“good”) is awarded for a generally correct understanding of the educational material of the component, including calculations, reasoned answers to the questions posed, which, however, contain certain (insignificant) shortcomings, for the ability to apply theoretical provisions when solving practical tasks; 70 – 50 points – (“satisfactory”) awarded for weak knowledge of the component’s educational material, inaccurate or poorly reasoned answers, with a violation of the sequence of presentation, for weak application of theoretical provisions when solving practical problems; 49-26 points - ("not certified" with the possibility of retaking the semester control) is awarded for ignorance of a significant part of the educational material of the component, significant errors in answering questions, inability to apply theoretical provisions when solving practical problems; 25-00 points - ("unsatisfactory" with mandatory re-study) is awarded for ignorance of a significant part of the educational material of the component, significant errors in answering questions, inability to navigate when solving practical problems, ignorance of the main fundamental provisions.
Recommended books: 1. Baklitsky IO Psychology of labor: textbook. / Baklytsky IO - 2nd ed., Revised. and ext. - K .: Knowledge, 2008. - 655 p. 2. Ball GO Psychology of labor and vocational training: textbook. way. / GO Ball, MV Bastun, VI Gordienko and others. - Khmelnytsky: TUP, 2001. - 330 p. 3. Dutkevich TV General Psychology. Theoretical course. [text] way. / Т.В.Дуткевич. - Kyiv: Center for Educational Literature, 2016. - 388 p. 4. Karpenko GV Psychology of labor and choice of profession: teaching method. way. / Karpenko GV - Sumy: University Book, 2008. - 168 p. 5. Klimenko VV Psychology of creativity. - K: Center for Educational Literature, 2006. -480 p. 6. Malkhazov OR Psychology of labor: textbook. way. / Malkhazov OR - K .: NAU, 2008. - 168 p. 7. Psychology of labor: textbook. way. / GV Lozhkin, N. Yu. Volenyuk, OO Soltyk; for the head ed. GV Lozhkin. - Khmelnytsky: KhNU, 2013. - 191 p. 8. Rybalka VV Psychology of creative personality development - K .: IZMN, 1996. - 235 p. 9. Romenets VA Psychology of creativity: textbook. way. for students. higher textbook lock /V.A. Romenets. - К .: Либідь, 2004. - 288 с. 10. Traverse TM Psychology of labor: teaching method. way. / Traverse TM - K .: IPO Kyiv National University. in the name of Taras Shevchenko, 2004. - 116 p.
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