Conceptual of Design (курсовий проєкт)

Major: Environment Design
Code of subject: 6.022.03.E.082
Credits: 4.00
Department: Design and Architecture Fundamentals
Lecturer: Ruslan Halyshych, Philosopher Ph.D., Assistant Professor of DOA
Semester: 7 семестр
Mode of study: заочна
Learning outcomes: Understand the basic ideas of the development of mass culture and mass art, technical and technological heritage of mankind. Understand the social and technical-technological interaction, experience, processes and strategies that together determine the conceptual nature of design. This involves understanding people's needs and ways to meet them through products, services and processes. Know the conceptual interpretation of symbol signs in philosophical, semantic and technical-technological contexts. Identify the subject area and its social and technological needs, within which the project work is conducted. Understand the psychological factors that affect effective visual communication and the creation of objects complexes. Be able to assess a specific cognitive situation, within the current project task, and identify only those features and motives for future design that are meaningful "here and now" and can dramatically change the approach and effectiveness in visual communication or in the formation of objects and their formation. The student must know the main types of conceptual design, its dependence on the factor of visual and verbal communication, cultural contexts, natural and artificial environment. Search for design ideas at the level of sketch design in the field of printing, advertising, multimedia, industrial products, furniture, exhibition and trade equipment. Evaluate conceptual design objects from the standpoint of its economic efficiency and humanitarian good and the level of aesthetic solution. PRNV2.1. Understand the importance and meaning of pre-project research, analog analysis and be able to use the obtained results in the design of visual communications. PRNV2.3 Orient in a variety of modern software and hardware tools, use knowledge and skills of working with professional computer support. PRNV2.4. Apply a complex artistic and design approach to create a holistic image of objects of visual communications. PRNV2.7. Use basic theoretical and methodological concepts and principles in the design of visual communications. PRNV2.8. Apply the acquired knowledge and understanding of the subject field and the sphere of professional activity in practical situations, as well as during the presentation of finished projects.
Required prior and related subjects: Advertising design and copywriting; Basics for the design of visual communications; Drawing, painting, part 1, 2; Basics of composition and Art of form, part 1, 2; History of art, architecture and design, part 1;2;
Summary of the subject: Conceptual design expresses the essence of the main idea of communication or subject, which is the basis of artistic design, its formation and visualization. The object of study of the course are new concepts of formation of symbolic, figurative and symbolic structure of visual communication in mass culture and the principles of artistic design of subject complexes at the conceptual level. Ways of implementation of innovative humanitarian and scientific and technical hypotheses in the field of visual communications, industrial and multimedia design are considered. The program provides a classification of creativity, namely: in the design of visual-communication, multimedia and subject spaces, according to which new ideas of artistic communication and three-dimensional formation are studied. Practical tasks of sketch search of graphic and subject design at the level of visual idea. The main work of the conceptual design of the course relate to the tasks of visual identification and navigation, interface graphics, board and virtual games, installation and exhibition, trade equipment, furniture and interior decoration.
Assessment methods and criteria: The course of lectures, practical classes and course graphic work are evaluated comprehensively. Current control of lectures (seminars) - 20%. Final control - tests, oral answers - 30%;, abstract on the specified topic presentation of design ideas - 50%.
Recommended books: 1. Ekodyzayn. Oecologische productgestaltung. – Wein: IOEW. – 1993. – 96 s. 2. Hudman N. Movy mystetstva pidkhid do teoriyi symvoliv. — The Bobbs-Merrill Company, INC. Dochirnya kompaniya Howard W. Sams & Co., Inc. VYDAVTSI: INDIANAPOLIS, N?YU-YOBS, KANZAS-SITI. — 277 s. 3. Otto H. Otsvirk Robert E. Stinson Filip R. Vihh Robert O. Boun Devid L. OSNOVY MYSTETSTVA: TEORIYA I PRAKTYKA, 1998, — S. 104-106. 4. Bern Eryk. Ihry, v yaki hrayut? lyudy. — Lytur, 2001. — 576 s. 5. Bodryyyar ZH. Systema veshchey. M.: Rudomno, 2001. — S. 177-212. 6. Hadamerkh. KH. Aktual?nost? prekrasnoho. — M.: Yskusstvo, 1991. – S. 288. 7. Halyshych R.YA., Lsenko O. YU., Yurchenko I.A., Frankiv R. B. ekolohichnyy dyzayn. Metodychni vkazivky do praktychnykh zanyat?. Vydavnytstvo Natsional?noho universytetu «L?vivs?ka politekhnika», 2008. - 61 s. 8. Henysaret•skyy. O. I. Prektnaya kul?tura y kontseptualyzm // Sotsyal?no-kul?turnye problemy obraza zhyzny y predmetnoy sredy. – M.: VNYYTE, Vyp. 52, 1987. – 114 s. 9. Hofman Y. Analyz freymov: esse ob orhanyzatsyy povsednevnoho opyta. — M.: Instytut sotsiolohiyi RAN, 2003. — 752 s. 10. Ihry i lyudy. Stat?y y esse po sotsiolohiyi kul?tury / Rozhe Kayua; Sost., per. s fr. i vstup. st. S. N. Zenkina. — M.: OHY, 2007. — S. 43-49. 11. Kassyrer Ernst. Filosofiya symvolichnykh form. Tom 2. Myfolohycheskoe myshlenye. — M.; SPb.: Unyversytet•skaya knyha, 2001. — S 120. 12. Kozlovs?kyy P. Kul?tura postmoderna: Obshchestvenno-kul?turnye naslidky tekhn. rozvytku: Per. s nem. — M.: Respublika,1997. — S. 15-18. 13. Kotler. F. Osnovy marketynha. – M., 1992. 14. Lavrent?ev A. N. Ystoryya dyzayna. Ucheb. posobye dlya vuzov. — M.: HARDARYKY, 2007. 15. Lydvell U., Kholden K., Batler Dzh. Universal?ni pryntsypy dyzaynu / Per. Moroz. — SPb: Pyter, 2012. — S.132, 160. 16. Mentatov V. V. Obraz, znak, umovnist?. – M.: Vysshaya shkola, 1980. 17. Mitchell U. Dzh.T. Ykonolohyya. Obraz. Tekst. Ydeolohyya / Per. V. Drozd. — Yekaterynburh: Kabynetnyy uchenyy, 2017. —240 s. 18. Morris CH.U. Osnovanyya teoryy znakov // Semyotyka. Sbornyk perevodov. Pod red. YU. S. Stepanova. — M.: Raduha, 1982. — S. 37-89. 19. Panofskyy E. Smysl y tolkovanye yzobrazytel?noho yskusstva. Stat?y po ystoryy yskusstva. — Sankt-Peterburh, 1999. — S. 46-65. 20. Pobedyn V. A. Znaky v hrafichnomu dyzayni. – Khar?kov: Ranok Vesta, 2001. 21. Tolmacheva H.V. KONTSEPTUAL?NYY DYZAYN: OT YDEY K PRODUKTU // Mizhnarodnyy zhurnal prykladnykh i fundamental?nykh doslidzhen?. – 2015. – № 10-4. – S. 728-730; 22. Utevs?ka F. I. Nevmyrushchi znaky. – K.: Veselka , 1981. 23. Khan-Mahomedov S. O. Tvers?ki kontseptsiyi v strukturi predmetno-khudozhn?oho tvorchosti. // Tvorcheskye kontseptsyy y tvorcheskye shkoly v dyzayne / Trudy VNYYTE. Ser.: Tekhnycheskaya estetyka. M., 1981. – 113 s. 24. Eko U. Ot•sut•stvuyushchaya struktura. Vvedenye v semiolohiyu. — TOO TK «Petropolis», 1998. — 432 s.

Conceptual of Design (курсовий проєкт)

Major: Environment Design
Code of subject: 6.022.03.E.095
Credits: 4.00
Department: Design and Architecture Fundamentals
Lecturer: Ruslan Halyshych, Philosopher Ph.D., Assistant Professor of DOA Frankiv Roman Ph.D., Assistant Professor of DOA
Semester: 7 семестр
Mode of study: заочна
Learning outcomes: After studying the academic discipline, the student should be able to understand and analyze the project task and its creative potential; be able to conduct pre-project studies, study typologically similar samples and give them a critical assessment; be able to set innovative tasks in the field of design and propose ways to solve them, operate with the concepts of novelty and surprise as applied qualities of the spatial environment, demonstrate mastery of a variable approach in design, conduct self-analysis of completed proposals, complete a set of design and presentation materials, be able to establish visual communication with the intended target audience , to be able to interpret the content of one's idea in the context of current environmental design phenomena, to have a terminological apparatus. 8. to understand the main ideas of the development of mass culture and mass art, technical and technological property PRNV1.3 Orient in a variety of modern software and hardware tools, use knowledge and skills of working with professional computer support. PRNV1.4. Apply a complex artistic and design approach to create a holistic image of the subject-spatial environment. PRNV1.6. Create the design of the environment of object-spatial complexes, buildings and structures and small architectural forms in the landscape. KOM1. Ability to communicate, including oral and written communication in Ukrainian and foreign languages (English, German, Italian, French, Spanish). KOM2. The ability to use a variety of methods, including modern information technologies, for effective communication at the professional and social levels. AiB1. Ability to adapt to new situations and make appropriate decisions. AiB2. The ability to realize the need for lifelong learning in order to deepen the acquired new professional knowledge. AiB3. The ability to take responsibility for the work performed, to make decisions independently, to achieve the set goal in compliance with the requirements of professional ethics. AiB4. Ability to popularize national and world cultural heritage, as well as to promote manifestations of patriotism, national self-awareness and ethno-cultural self-identification. AiB5. The ability to form environmental consciousness and personal culture, to apply ecological principles in life and professional activity.
Required prior and related subjects: History of art, architecture and design, part 5 Stylistics in the interior Design of subject-spatial environment Theory and methods in subject environment design
Summary of the subject: Conceptual design expresses the essence of the main idea of communication or subject, which is the basis of artistic design, its formation and visualization. The object of study of the course are new concepts of formation of symbolic, figurative and symbolic structure of visual communication in mass culture and the principles of artistic design of subject complexes at the conceptual level. Ways of implementation of innovative humanitarian and scientific and technical hypotheses in the field of visual communications, industrial and multimedia design are considered. The program provides a classification of creativity, namely: in the design of visual-communication, multimedia and subject spaces, according to which new ideas of artistic communication and three-dimensional formation are studied. Practical tasks of sketch search of graphic and subject design at the level of visual idea. The main work of the conceptual design of the course relate to the tasks of visual identification and navigation, interface graphics, board and virtual games, installation and exhibition, trade equipment, furniture and interior decoration.
Assessment methods and criteria: The knowledge gained from this discipline is assessed on the basis of a course project. The various components of the project give 80% of the assessment, the remaining 20% are provided according to specific criteria, which follow from the specifics of the project.
Recommended books: 1. Ekodyzayn. Oecologische productgestaltung. – Wein: IOEW. – 1993. – 96 s. 2. Hudman N. Movy mystetstva pidkhid do teoriyi symvoliv. — The Bobbs-Merrill Company, INC. Dochirnya kompaniya Howard W. Sams & Co., Inc. VYDAVTSI: INDIANAPOLIS, N?YU-YOBS, KANZAS-SITI. — 277 s. 3. Otto H. Otsvirk Robert E. Stinson Filip R. Vihh Robert O. Boun Devid L. OSNOVY MYSTETSTVA: TEORIYA I PRAKTYKA, 1998, — S. 104-106. 4. Bern Eryk. Ihry, v yaki hrayut? lyudy. — Lytur, 2001. — 576 s. 5. Bodryyyar ZH. Systema veshchey. M.: Rudomno, 2001. — S. 177-212. 6. Hadamerkh. KH. Aktual?nost? prekrasnoho. — M.: Yskusstvo, 1991. – S. 288. 7. Halyshych R.YA., Lsenko O. YU., Yurchenko I.A., Frankiv R. B. ekolohichnyy dyzayn. Metodychni vkazivky do praktychnykh zanyat?. Vydavnytstvo Natsional?noho universytetu «L?vivs?ka politekhnika», 2008. - 61 s. 8. Henysaret•skyy. O. I. Prektnaya kul?tura y kontseptualyzm // Sotsyal?no-kul?turnye problemy obraza zhyzny y predmetnoy sredy. – M.: VNYYTE, Vyp. 52, 1987. – 114 s. 9. Hofman Y. Analyz freymov: esse ob orhanyzatsyy povsednevnoho opyta. — M.: Instytut sotsiolohiyi RAN, 2003. — 752 s. 10. Ihry i lyudy. Stat?y y esse po sotsiolohiyi kul?tury / Rozhe Kayua; Sost., per. s fr. i vstup. st. S. N. Zenkina. — M.: OHY, 2007. — S. 43-49. 11. Kassyrer Ernst. Filosofiya symvolichnykh form. Tom 2. Myfolohycheskoe myshlenye. — M.; SPb.: Unyversytet•skaya knyha, 2001. — S 120. 12. Kozlovs?kyy P. Kul?tura postmoderna: Obshchestvenno-kul?turnye naslidky tekhn. rozvytku: Per. s nem. — M.: Respublika,1997. — S. 15-18. 13. Kotler. F. Osnovy marketynha. – M., 1992. 14. Lavrent?ev A. N. Ystoryya dyzayna. Ucheb. posobye dlya vuzov. — M.: HARDARYKY, 2007. 15. Lydvell U., Kholden K., Batler Dzh. Universal?ni pryntsypy dyzaynu / Per. Moroz. — SPb: Pyter, 2012. — S.132, 160. 16. Mentatov V. V. Obraz, znak, umovnist?. – M.: Vysshaya shkola, 1980. 17. Mitchell U. Dzh.T. Ykonolohyya. Obraz. Tekst. Ydeolohyya / Per. V. Drozd. — Yekaterynburh: Kabynetnyy uchenyy, 2017. —240 s. 18. Morris CH.U. Osnovanyya teoryy znakov // Semyotyka. Sbornyk perevodov. Pod red. YU. S. Stepanova. — M.: Raduha, 1982. — S. 37-89. 19. Panofskyy E. Smysl y tolkovanye yzobrazytel?noho yskusstva. Stat?y po ystoryy yskusstva. — Sankt-Peterburh, 1999. — S. 46-65. 20. Pobedyn V. A. Znaky v hrafichnomu dyzayni. – Khar?kov: Ranok Vesta, 2001. 21. Tolmacheva H.V. KONTSEPTUAL?NYY DYZAYN: OT YDEY K PRODUKTU // Mizhnarodnyy zhurnal prykladnykh i fundamental?nykh doslidzhen?. – 2015. – № 10-4. – S. 728-730; 22. Utevs?ka F. I. Nevmyrushchi znaky. – K.: Veselka , 1981. 23. Eko U. Ot•sut•stvuyushchaya struktura. Vvedenye v semiolohiyu. — TOO TK «Petropolis», 1998. — 432 s.