Fine and Applied Arts

Major: Environment Design
Code of subject: 6.022.03.O.061
Credits: 3.00
Department: Design and Architecture Fundamentals
Lecturer: Docent, Candidate of Arts (Ph.D.) Motyl Romana Yaroslavivna
Semester: 6 семестр
Mode of study: денна
Learning outcomes: As a result of the training, the student should be able to demonstrate the following learning outcomes: 1. Possess knowledge of art crafts of Ukraine and morphology as a system of decorative and applied arts; 2. To acquire knowledge about the semantics of ancient signs and ornament as an artistic manifestation of highly developed folk experience; 3. To have knowledge of the art historical aspect of the theory of tradition; 4. Ability to analyze local and national traditional features and techniques of decorating works of art and use them in design activities; 5. Possession of knowledge about the main art centers, famous museums of decorative and applied art in Ukraine, collections of works of the Ukrainian DUM in the collections of art museums; 6. Ability to navigate the main domestic and world modern trends in the development of all types of decorative and applied arts. Learning outcomes PLO7. Analyze, stylize, interpret and transform objects to develop artistic and design solutions. PLO8. Evaluate the object of design, technological processes in the context of the design task, to form an artistic and design concept. PLO11. To develop a compositional solution of design objects in appropriate techniques and materials. PLO13. To know the achievements of national and world cultural and artistic heritage, to develop eco-culture through design. PLO14. To use in professional activity manifestations of Ukrainian mentality, historical memory, national self-identification and creative expression; apply historical creative experience, as well as successful Ukrainian and foreign artistic practices. PLO15. To understand Ukrainian ethno-cultural traditions in stylistic solutions of design objects, to take into account regional features of ethno-design in artistic practices. PLO 16. Take into account the properties of materials and structural structures, apply the latest technologies in professional activities. The learning outcomes of this discipline detail the following program learning outcomes: Communication (COM): COM1. Skills, including oral and written communication in Ukrainian and foreign languages (English, German, French, Spanish). COM2. Ability to use a variety of methods, including modern information technologies, for effective communication at professional and social levels. Autonomy and responsibility (A&R): A&R1. Ability to adapt to new situations and make appropriate decisions. A&R2. Ability to understand the need for lifelong learning in order to deepen the acquired new professional knowledge. А&R3. Ability to take responsibility for the work performed, make decisions independently, achieve the goal in compliance with the requirements of professional ethics. А&R4. Ability to promote the achievements of national and world cultural heritage, as well as to promote patriotism, national self-awareness and ethnic and cultural self-identification. А&R5. Ability to form environmental awareness and personal culture, to apply environmental principles in life and professional activities.
Required prior and related subjects: Previous courses: • «Composition and Shaping in Design»; • «History of Аrt, Аrchitecture and Design»; • «Basics of Design and Computer Graphics»; • «Fundamentals of Subject Environment Design»; • «Interactive Design»; • «Materials Science in Interior Design»; • «Design of Subject-Spatial Environment» Related and following courses: • «Painting, Drawing, Sculpture»; • «Stylistics in the Interior»; • «Technical and Author's Support of Interior Design Projects»; • «Interior Design»; • «Conceptual Design (Course Project)»; • «Marketing and Management in Design»; • «Theory and Methods in Subject Environment Design»
Summary of the subject: Summary of the subject: "Decorative and Applied Arts" are an integral part of the material and spiritual culture of the people and animportant componen to the artistic education system.The course introduces the main evolutionary milestones and concepts of domestic decorative and applied arts; based on the heritage and traditions of Ukrainian folk art, forms an understanding of beauty, aesthetic taste, a sense of national consciousness. The course aims to provide students with basic knowledge of the theory of decorative and applied arts, starting from the general hierarchy of species, including analytical consideration of tectonic structures of three-dimensional works, as well as decorative and pictorial and plastic composition. Objectives of the course: - theoretical and practical mastering of the main traditional types of decorative and applied arts (ceramics, glass, woodworking, metal, embroidery, weaving, beating, metal, glass, Easter painting, etc.); -development of understanding of artistic and expressive features of the language of decorative and applied arts; mastering the artistic means of transmitting information and mastering the means of graphic expression of image, decor, etc.
Assessment methods and criteria: Planned learning activities and teaching methods: - Formative assessment (30%): oral questioning, presentations at seminars, evaluation of graphic works. - Summative assessment (70%): examenation,written and oralform.
Recommended books: Basic: 1. Antonovych Ye. A., Zakharchuk-Chuhai R. V., Stankevych M. Ye. Dekoratyvno-prykladne mystetstvo. – Lviv : Svit, 1992. – 272 p. 2. Boliuk O. Khudozhnie derevo u tserkvakh (za materialamy zakhidnykh oblastei Ukrainy) / Oleh Boliuk. – Lviv: IN NANU, 2020. – 520 p. 3. Vereshchynska Zh., Motyl R. Sposoby interpretatsii poliskoi ornamentyky v suchasnomu interieri // Aktualni pytannia nauk: Mizhvuzivskyi zbirnyk naukovykh prats molodykh vchenykh Drohobytskoho derzhavnoho pedahohichnoho universytetu imeni Ivana Franka. Vydavnychyi dim «Helvetyka». 2021. Vyp. 45. t. 1. Pp. 33—39. 4. Holubets H. Profesiine dekoratyvno-uzhytkove mystetstvo m v muzeinykh kolektsiiakh Lvova (1950-1990-ti roky) / Halyna Holubets. – Lviv : Kolir-PRO, 2015. – 240 p. 5. Hlushko M. Istoriia narodnoi kultury ukraintsiv : navch. posibnyk / Mykhailo Hlushko. – Lviv:LNU im. Ivana Franka, 2018. – 416 p. 6. Hrymaliuk R. Vitrazhi Lvova / Rostyslava Hrymaliuk. – Lviv, 2004. – 240 p. 7. Dekoratyvno-uzhytkove mystetstvo. Slovnyk. T. 1. A-K. – Lviv : Afisha, 2000. – 366 p. 8. Dekoratyvno-uzhytkove mystetstvo. Slovnyk. T. 2. L-Ya. – Lviv : Afisha, 2000. – 399 p. 9. Istoriia dekoratyvnoho mystetstva Ukrainy u 5 t. / holov. red. H. Skrypnyk. – Kyiv, 2007 – 2012. 10. Zakharchuk-Chuhai R. V. Narodne dekoratyvne mystetstvo Ukrainskoho Polissia. Chornobylshchyna. / Raisa Zakharchuk-Chuhai. – Lviv : Instytut narodoznavstva NAN Ukrainy, 2007. – 336 p. 11. Mala entsyklopediia ukrainskoho narodoznavstva. – Lviv : Instytut narodoznavstva NAN Ukrainy, 2007. – 832 p. 12. Motyl R. Ukrainska dymlena keramika KhIKh – pochatku KhKh st. Istoriia. Typolohiia. Khudozhni osoblyvosti / Romana Motyl. – Lviv : Instytut narodoznavstva NAN Ukrainy, 2011. – 207 p. 13. Nykorak O. Ukrainska narodna tkanyna KhIKh – KhKh st.: Typolohiia, lokalizatsiia, khudozhni osoblyvosti. Ch. 1. Interierni tkanyny. (za materialamy zakhidnykh oblastei Ukrainy) / Olena Nykorak – Lviv, 2004. – 584 p. 14. Selivachov M. Leksykon ukrainskoi ornamentyky / Mykhailo Selivachov. – Kyiv, 2013. – 400 s. 15. Stankevych M. Ukrainske khudozhnie derevo KhVI–KhKh st. / Mykhailo Stankevych. – Lviv : IN NAN Ukrainy, 2002. – 48 p.: il. 16. Stankevych M. Etnoestetyka / Mykhailo Ctankevych. – Ivano-Frankivsk-KyivLviv, 2020. – 275 p. 17. Fedorchuk O. Tradytsiia bisernoho ozdoblennia narodnoi noshi ukraintsiv (na materialakh zakhidnykh oblastei Ukrainy) / Olena Fedorchuk. – Lviv : Instytut narodoznavstva NAN Ukrainy, 2021. – 320 p. 18. Shmahalo R. Entsyklopediia khudozhnoho metalu. Tom I. Svitovyi ta ukrainskyi khudozhnii metal / Rostyslav Shmahalo. – Lviv : Apriori, 2015. – 420 p. 19. Shmahalo R. T. Entsyklopediia khudozhnoi kultury / Rostyslav Shmahalo. – Lviv : LNAM, 2013. – 520 p., il. 20. Iurchenko I. A. Hutsulska rizba. Vizualno-morfolohichni zakonomirnosti ornamentu. Teoriia i praktyka / Ihor Yurchenko. – Lviv: V-vo Lvivska politekhnika, 2011. – 372 p. Auxiliary: 1. Bazylevych V. V. Dyzain khudozhnoho metalu v arkhitekturnomu seredovyshchi // Visnyk KhDADM. – 2004. – № 2. – Pp. 37–42. 2. Bonkovska S. M. Kovalstvo na Ukraini (KhIKh — pochatok KhKh st.) / Sofiia Bonkovska. – Kyiv : Naukova dumka, 1991. – 110 p 3. Vrochynska H. V. Ukrainski narodni zhinochi prykrasy KhIKh – pochatku KhKh stolit. / Hanna Vrochynska – Kyiv, 2015. Ch. 1; Ch. 2. 4. Halyshych R. Ya. Monumentalno-dekoratyvne mystetstvo ukrainskykh tserkov zarubizhzhia KhKh st. : dys… kand. mystetstvoznavstva: 17.00.06 / Halyshych Ruslan Yaroslavovych ; Lvivska akademiia mystetstv. – Lviv, 2002. – 287 p. 5. Herus L. Ukrainska narodna ihrashka. / Liudmyla Herus. – Lviv, 2004. – 263 p. 6. Horyn H. Narodni shkiriani vyroby ukraintsiv. Vytoky, stanovlennia i rozvytok tradytsii / Hanna Horyn. – Lviv, 2016. – 256 p. 7. Hurhula I. Narodne mystetstvo Zakhidnykh oblastei Ukrainy. / Iryna Hurhula. – Kyiv: Mystetstvo, 1966. – 80 p. 8. Zholtovskyi P. Khudozhnii metal. Istorychnyi narys. / Pavlo Zholtovskyi. – K., 1972. – 112 p. 9. Zakharchuk-Chuhai R. V., Antonovych Ye. A. Ukrainske narodne dekoratyvne mystetstvo : navch. posibnyk. – K. : V-vo Znannia, 2012. – 342 p. 10. Ivashkiv H. Dekor ukrainskoi narodnoi keramiky KhVI – pershoi pol. KhKh st. / Halyna Ivashkiv. – Lviv : In-t narodoznavstva NAN Ukrainy, 2007. – 543 p., il. 11. Kolupaieva A. V. Ukrainski kakhli KhVIII – pochatku KhKh st. (Istoriia. Typolohiia. Ikonohrafiia. Ansamblevist.) / Ahniia Kolupaieva. – Lviv : IN NAN Ukrainy, 2006. – 384 p. 12. Korostel T. I., Petrovska Yu. R. Vykorystannia elementiv ekostyliu v zhytlovomu seredovyshchi // The 6th International scientific and practical conference “Perspective directions of science and practice” Athens, Greece 2020. – 294 p. – Pp. 31–33. 13. Merie O. Zastosuvannia khudozhnoho metalu v arkhitekturi derevianykh sakralnykh obiektiv latynskoho obriadu Halychyny kintsia XVII – pershoi polovyny KhKh stolit // Narodoznavchi zoshyty. Instytut narodoznavstva NANU. № 5–6 (71–72), veresen–hruden. – Lviv, 2006. – Pp. 683–689. 14. Narysy z istorii dekoratyvno-uzhytkovoho mystetstva / holov. red. Ya. Zapasko. – Lviv., 1969. 15. Petriakova F. S. Ukrainske hutne sklo. / Faina Serhiivna Petriakova. – Kyiv : Naukova dumka, 1975. – 160 p. 16. Radomska V. R. Polikhromii v dyzaini interiernoho seredovyshcha tserkov (na prykladi monumentalnykh stinopysiv Modesta Sosenka) // Ukrainska kultura: mynule, suchasne, shliakhy rozvytku, 34. – K., 2020. – Pp. 173–180. 17. Radomska V. R. Fraktalna heometriia v strukturi stinopysiv interiernoho prostoru (na prykladi polikhromii Modesta Sosenka) // Aktualni pytannia humanitarnykh nauk: Mizhvuzivskyi zbirnyk naukovykh prats molodykh vchenykh Drohobytskoho derzhavnoho pedahohichnoho universytetu imeni Ivana Franka, 30. T. I. – Drohobych, 2020. – Pp. 212–217. 18. Skarby muzeiu etnohrafii ta khudozhnoho promyslu IN NAN Ukrainy: 3 albom / uporiadnyky S. Pavliuk, R. Chmelyk. Lviv: In-t narodoznavstva NAN Ukrainy, 2005. 19. Stelmashchuk H. Tradytsiini holovni ubory ukraintsiv. / Halyna Stelmashchuk. – .Kyiv, 1993. – 240 s. 20. Stelmashchuk H. Ukrainske narodne vbrannia. / Halyna Stelmashchuk. – Lviv, 2019. – 255 p. 21. Fedorchuk O. Ukrainski narodni prykrasy z biseru. / Olena Fedorchuk– Lviv : Svichado, 2007. – 119 s. 22. Chuhai R. V. Narodne dekoratyvne mystetstvo Yavorivshchyny. / Chuhai Raisa Volodymyrivna. – K.: Naukova dumka, 1979. – 141 p. Virtualen vironment of Lviv Polytechnic National University