Special Course of Scientific Research in the Field of Specialty

Major: Architecture and Urban Planning
Code of subject: 7.191.01.O.041
Credits: 9.00
Department: Architectural Design
Semester: 3 семестр
Mode of study: денна

Special Course of Scientific Research in the Field of Specialty

Major: Architecture and Urban Planning
Code of subject: 7.191.01.O.042
Credits: 9.00
Lecturer: PhD Halyna Hnat
Semester: 3 семестр
Mode of study: денна
Learning outcomes: 1.Have knowledge of basic concepts, terms and meanings, the language of professional communication in the field of architecture and urban planning, adhere to the norms of academic integrity 4 Take into account energy efficient and other innovative technologies, promote the ideas of sustainable development, humanization and harmonization of the environment in making integrated architectural and urban planning decisions 11. Achieve the implementation in a timely manner of all stages and stages of architectural and urban design, development of all sections of the complex project and explanatory note 14.Conduct research and / or innovation activities, apply traditional and innovative methods of designing and conducting research 15.Identify stages and directions of historical development of architectural phenomena, critically evaluate, study trends and processes in architectural theory and practice, reconstruction and renovation of architectural and urban planning objects, interior design 16.Development of the theoretical, typological approaches to solving problems of formation and development of architectural and urban environment based on the systematization of natural, humanities and technical sciences
Required prior and related subjects: Prerequisites: Fundamentals of the formation of residential and public facilities (comprehensive study) Comprehensive study of architectural and urban planning object Co-requisites: Research and seminars on their subject Execution of master's qualification work Workshop on preparation of scientific publications, conference materials and presentations of scientific reports
Summary of the subject: Scientific approach in the field of architectural research. The main components of the scientific part of the master's thesis. Logic of presentation of research results. Presentation of the graphic part of the research. The role of sociological surveys to confirm or refute scientific hypotheses. Questionnaire structure, sample, target category of respondents
Assessment methods and criteria: Current control: assessment of activity in the classroom, checking individual tasks, assessment of independent work and presentations on the topic of research. Final control: exam
Recommended books: 1. 2. State Statistics Service of Ukraine. Main Department of Statistics in Lviv Region https://www.lv.ukrstat.gov.ua/thematics.php

Special Course of Scientific Research in the Field of Specialty

Major: Architecture and Urban Planning
Code of subject: 7.191.02.O.068
Credits: 9.00
Department: Urban Planning and Design
Lecturer: docent, Doctor of Sciences Yuliya Idak
Semester: 3 семестр
Mode of study: денна
Learning outcomes: - knowledge of basic concepts and categories necessary for the development of creative thinking and research in the field of urban planning; - knowledge of basic general scientific and understanding of the specifics of special methods of research of architectural and urban planning objects; - knowledge of the peculiarities of the organization and procedure of scientific research; - ability to identify problems of urban character and justify the need to solve them, collect the necessary quantitative and qualitative information, make sound predictions and unbiased conclusions; - ability to choose research methods and analyze the results; - ability to apply information and communication technologies to solve urban planning problems; - application of research approaches to the collection and analysis of quantitative and qualitative information necessary to identify urban problems; - development of own research approach to solving problems of town-planning character; - development of scientific models of these or those essential signs and properties of the investigated town-planning object, interrelations and relations between its structural elements.
Required prior and related subjects: Prerequisites: "Modern Conceptions and Innovations in Architecture and Urban Planning", "Theory of Urban Planning (Complex Investigation)"; co-requisites: "Scientific Research and Seminars on the Theme of Research", "Master’s Thesis Internship".
Summary of the subject: The discipline "Special Course of Scientific Research in the Field of Specialty" consists of twenty-five lectures in which the main provisions of five topics are structured on the principle of transition from general knowledge about science to study the specifics of scientific research in urban planning: the first - general questions about science; the second - features of functioning and the organization of scientific research; third - the concept and structure of scientific theory; fourth - methodology and methods of scientific research; fifth - research in urban planning. The sequence of presentation of educational information corresponds to the generally accepted understanding of science as a system of knowledge about the patterns of development of nature and society and ways of its impact on the outside world. Particular attention is paid to the development of a research approach to solve specific problems of urban planning and the development of a scientific model of certain essential features and properties of the studied urban object, relationships and relationships between its structural elements. To deepen the acquired knowledge and improve practical skills, each topic is accompanied by control measures (current control) and ends with the development of individual research work. The classes create conditions for activating scientific potential, improving the skills of presentation and analysis of scientific solutions, critical and design in Ukraine and abroad, etc.
Assessment methods and criteria: The main method of control of students' knowledge is current (15 points), final (15 points) and semester (exam, 70 points) control. A total are 100 points.
Recommended books: Петришин, Г. П., ред., 2006. Історичні архітектурно-містобудівні комплекси: наукові методи дослідження: навч. посіб. для студ. вищ. навч. закл., які навчаються за напрямом «Архітектура». Львів: Видавництво Національного ун-ту «Львівська політехніка». Ідак, Ю. В. та Бойко Х. С., 2013. Студентська наукова робота: метод. вказівки для підгот., виконання наук. роботи та участі у СНТК для студентів баз. напряму «Архітектура», «Мистецтво», «Реставрація творів мистецтв» усіх спец. Ін-ту архітектури. Львів : Видавництво Львівської політехніки. Петришин, Г. П., Посацький, Б. С., Ідак, Ю. В., ред., 2016. Містобудівне проектування. Частина І: Місто як об’єкт проектування. Львів : Видавництво Львівської політехніки. Петришин, Г. П., Посацький, Б. С., Ідак, Ю. В., ред., 2017. Містобудівне проектування. Частина ІІ: Проектування структурних елементів міста. Львів : Видавництво Львівської політехніки.

Special Course of Scientific Research in the Field of Specialty

Major: Architecture and Urban Planning
Code of subject: 7.191.03.O.089
Credits: 9.00
Department: Architectural Environment Design
Lecturer: Ph.D., Associate Professor Bohdan Goy
Semester: 3 семестр
Mode of study: денна
Learning outcomes: The result of studying the course is the training of specialists who are able to develop in-depth scientific substantiation of architectural concepts and design solutions, to apply modern innovative research methods.
Required prior and related subjects: 1. Modern Conceptions and Innovations in Architecture and Urban Planning; 2. Modern Architectural Theories and doctrines; 3. Scientific Research and Seminars on the Theme of Research; 4. Workshop on Writing of Scientific Publications, Conference Proceedings and Presentation of Scientific Reports.
Summary of the subject: Nowadays, it is important for an architect to have methods of collecting and structuring information, to be able to use modern methods of scientific work, to be able to present their own achievements, to build their own strategy of professional growth; be ready to find your place in the labor market. The discipline acquaints students with the basic methods of scientific research in the field of architecture, the principles of organization of research activities, methods of collecting and structuring information, the rules of registration of the scientific part of the master's thesis.
Assessment methods and criteria: The main method of control of students' knowledge is current (10 points), final (30 points) and semester (exam, 60 points) control. A total are 100 points.
Recommended books: 1.Vykhrushch V.O. ta in. Metodolohiya ta metodyka naukovoho doslidzhennya: Navchalnyy posibnyk. – Lviv : Vydavnytstvo Lvivskoyi politekhniky, 2018. – 328 s. [in Ukrainian]. 2. Petrushenko V.L Filosofiya i metodolohiya nauky: Navchalnyy posibnyk. – Lviv: Vydavnytstvo Lvivskoyi politekhniky, 2016. – 184 s. [in Ukrainian]. 3. Sushentseva L.L. ta in. Metodyka pidhotovky kvalifikatsiynoyi roboty mahistra Navchalno-metodychnyy posibnyk. – Lviv: Vydavnytstvo Lvivskoyi politekhniky, 2018. – 88 s. [in Ukrainian]. 4. Osnovy metodolohiyi ta orhanizatsiyi naukovykh doslidzhen: Navch. posib. dlya studentiv, kursantiv, aspirantiv i adyuntiv / za red. A. YE. Konverskoho. — K.: Tsentr uchbovoyi literatury, 2010. — 352 s. [in Ukrainian]. 5. Hrabchenko A.I., Fedorovych V.O., Harashchenko YA.M. Metody naukovykh doslidzhen: Navch. posibnyk. – KH.: NTU "KHPI", 2009. – 142 s. [in Ukrainian]. 6. Yurynets V. YE. Metodolohiya naukovykh doslidzhen : navch. posibnyk. – Lviv : LNU imeni Ivana Franka, 2011. – 178 s. [in Ukrainian]. 7. Metodyka ta orhanizatsiya naukovykh doslidzhen: Navch. posib./ S. E. Vazhynskyy, T I. Shcherbak. – Sumy: SumDPU imeni A. S. Makarenka, 2016. – 260 s. [in Ukrainian]. 8. Kovalchuk V. V. Osnovy naukovykh doslidzhen. Navchalnyy posibnyk. — 3-e vyd., pererob. i dopov. — K. : VD «Profesional», 2005. — 240 s. [in Ukrainian]. 9. Sheyko V. M. Orhanizatsiya ta metodyka naukovo-doslidnytskoyi diyalnosti. Pidruchnyk dlya studentiv vyshchykh navch. zakladiv. — X.: KHDAK, 1998. — 288 s. [in Ukrainian].

Special Course of Scientific Research in the Field of Specialty

Major: Architecture and Urban Planning
Code of subject: 7.191.04.O.114
Credits: 9.00
Department: Restoration of Architectural and Artistic Heritage
Semester: 3 семестр
Mode of study: денна