Complex Investigation of Architectural and Urban Planning Object (курсова робота)

Major: Architecture and Urban Planning
Code of subject: 7.191.01.E.059
Credits: 3.00
Semester: 2 семестр
Mode of study: денна

Complex Investigation of Architectural and Urban Planning Object

Major: Architecture and Urban Planning
Code of subject: 7.191.01.E.062
Credits: 3.00
Department: Architectural Design
Semester: 2 семестр
Mode of study: денна

Complex Investigation of Architectural and Urban Planning Object

Major: Architecture and Urban Planning
Code of subject: 7.191.02.E.079
Credits: 3.00
Department: Urban Planning and Design
Lecturer: Ph. D., assoc. prof. Roman Liubytskyi
Semester: 2 семестр
Mode of study: денна
Learning outcomes: • PER 1. Have knowledge of basic concepts, terms and meanings, professional language communication in the field of architecture and urban planning, adhere to academic standards integrity • PER 8. To form data of pre-project analysis of architectural and town-planning objects and territories set aside for construction, reconstruction or restoration • PER 14. Conduct research and / or innovation activities, apply traditional and innovative methods of designing and conducting research • PER 15 Identify stages and directions of historical development of architectural phenomena, critically evaluate, study trends and processes in architectural theory and practice, reconstruction and renovation of architectural and urban planning facilities, interior design • PER 16 Develop theoretical, typological approaches to solving problems of formation and development of architectural and urban environment based on the systematization of data of natural, humanities and technical sciences
Required prior and related subjects: • Theory of urban planning (comprehensive research) • Architectural Design • Fundamentals of Urban Planning • Urban planning analysis
Summary of the subject: The discipline considers the basic principles and methods of research of architectural and urban planning objects of different types and different hierarchical levels. In practical classes, students deepen their skills in writing academic texts on architectural and urban planning. Particular attention is paid to finding and processing students' sources of information using reference managers and to the principles of academic integrity. The content of individual control work - conducting a scientific study of the selected architectural and urban planning object: 1.Characteristics of the study; 2. Theoretical foundations and level of research of the topic; 3. Formulation of research methods for foreign and Ukrainian experience; 4. Conducting a study of foreign and Ukrainian experience in formulating conclusions; 5. Preliminary studies of the object: analysis from the urban planning point of view and in the context of related specialties; 6. Architectural and urban analysis of the territory (object) of design; 7. Formulation of the concept of object development.
Assessment methods and criteria: control work - 80% control questions - 20%
Recommended books: 1. Криворучко Ю.І., Воронич Є.А. Сучасні концепції містобудування:конспект ле-кцій для студентів Ін-ту архітектури/М-во освіти і науки України, Нац. ун-т "Львів. політехніка" .-Львів:Вид-во Львів. політехніки, 2014 .-104с. 2. Містобудівне проектування. Частина І. Місто як об’єкт проектування. За ред. проф. Г.П.Петришин, проф. Б.С. Посацького, доц. Ідак Ю.В. // Навчальний посібник для студентів Інституту архітектури. – Львів, 2016. 3. Функціональний і композиційний аналіз територіального об’єкту (для КР «Комплексне дослідження архітектурного об’єкту»): Методичні вказівки для студентів спеціальностей 7.00120102.9900 «Містобудування», 7.00120102.0100 «Ландшафтна архітектура». Укл.: Посацький Б.С., Ідак Ю.В. – Львів: Видавництво Національного університету «Львівська політехніка». – 2012. – 27 с. 4. Історичні архітектурно-містобудівні комплекси: наукові методи дослідження [Текст] : навч. посіб. для студ. вищ. навч. закл., які навчаються за напрямом «Архітектура» / Г. П. Петришин [та ін.] ; ред. Г. П. Петришин ; Національний ун-т «Львівська політехніка». — Л. : Видавництво Національного ун-ту «Львівська політехніка», 2006. — 212 с.: рис. — Бібліогр.: с. 207-209, в кінці розд. — ISBN 966-553-556-0

Complex Investigation of Architectural and Urban Planning Object

Major: Architecture and Urban Planning
Code of subject: 7.191.02.E.084
Credits: 3.00
Department: Urban Planning and Design
Lecturer: Ph. D., assoc. prof. Roman Liubytskyi
Semester: 2 семестр
Mode of study: денна
Learning outcomes: • PER 1. Have knowledge of basic concepts, terms and meanings, professional language communication in the field of architecture and urban planning, adhere to academic standards integrity • PER 8. To form data of pre-project analysis of architectural and town-planning objects and territories set aside for construction, reconstruction or restoration • PER 14. Conduct research and / or innovation activities, apply traditional and innovative methods of designing and conducting research • PER 15 Identify stages and directions of historical development of architectural phenomena, critically evaluate, study trends and processes in architectural theory and practice, reconstruction and renovation of architectural and urban planning facilities, interior design • PER 16 Develop theoretical, typological approaches to solving problems of formation and development of architectural and urban environment based on the systematization of data of natural, humanities and technical sciences
Required prior and related subjects: • Theory of urban planning (comprehensive research) • Architectural Design • Fundamentals of Urban Planning • Urban planning analysis
Summary of the subject: The discipline considers the basic principles and methods of research of architectural and urban planning objects of different types and different hierarchical levels. In practical classes, students deepen their skills in writing academic texts on architectural and urban planning. Particular attention is paid to finding and processing students' sources of information using reference managers and to the principles of academic integrity. The content of individual control work - conducting a scientific study of the selected architectural and urban planning object: 1.Characteristics of the study; 2. Theoretical foundations and level of research of the topic; 3. Formulation of research methods for foreign and Ukrainian experience; 4. Conducting a study of foreign and Ukrainian experience in formulating conclusions; 5. Preliminary studies of the object: analysis from the urban planning point of view and in the context of related specialties; 6. Architectural and urban analysis of the territory (object) of design; 7. Formulation of the concept of object development.
Assessment methods and criteria: control work - 80% control questions - 20%
Recommended books: 1. Криворучко Ю.І., Воронич Є.А. Сучасні концепції містобудування:конспект ле-кцій для студентів Ін-ту архітектури/М-во освіти і науки України, Нац. ун-т "Львів. політехніка" .-Львів:Вид-во Львів. політехніки, 2014 .-104с. 2. Містобудівне проектування. Частина І. Місто як об’єкт проектування. За ред. проф. Г.П.Петришин, проф. Б.С. Посацького, доц. Ідак Ю.В. // Навчальний посібник для студентів Інституту архітектури. – Львів, 2016. 3. Функціональний і композиційний аналіз територіального об’єкту (для КР «Комплексне дослідження архітектурного об’єкту»): Методичні вказівки для студентів спеціальностей 7.00120102.9900 «Містобудування», 7.00120102.0100 «Ландшафтна архітектура». Укл.: Посацький Б.С., Ідак Ю.В. – Львів: Видавництво Національного університету «Львівська політехніка». – 2012. – 27 с. 4. Історичні архітектурно-містобудівні комплекси: наукові методи дослідження [Текст] : навч. посіб. для студ. вищ. навч. закл., які навчаються за напрямом «Архітектура» / Г. П. Петришин [та ін.] ; ред. Г. П. Петришин ; Національний ун-т «Львівська політехніка». — Л. : Видавництво Національного ун-ту «Львівська політехніка», 2006. — 212 с.: рис. — Бібліогр.: с. 207-209, в кінці розд. — ISBN 966-553-556-0

Complex Investigation of Architectural and Urban Planning Object

Major: Architecture and Urban Planning
Code of subject: 7.191.03.E.100
Credits: 6.00
Department: Architectural Environment Design
Lecturer: Ph.D., Associate Professor Yurii Dzhyhil; Ph.D., Associate Professor Myroslav Yatsiv; Associate Professor Bohdan Goy; Associate Professor Ivanna Voronkova; Associate Professor Serhii Ivanov-Kostetskyi; Senior Lecturer Roman Kubai; Senior Lecturer Yuliia Bohdanova; Senior Lecturer Ihor Kopyliak.
Semester: 2 семестр
Mode of study: денна
Learning outcomes: As a result of studying the discipline, the architect should know: - theoretical basis of pre-project study of urban and architectural features of the existing architectural environment; - Functional and spatial basis of pre-project analysis of organization of public buildings of different purpose; - peculiarities and regularities of compositional formation of architectural space of public buildings in the existing urban environment. A trained architect should be able to: - comprehensively investigate a given environment for design; - to apply in practice the regularities of designing public buildings of different purpose in the existing urban environment; - take into account the architectural and climatic factors of a given design environment.
Required prior and related subjects: 1. Architectural Constructions of Buildings and Structures; 2. Fundamentals and Methods of Architectural Design; 3. Architectural Physics (climatology, acoustics); 4. Fundamentals of Urban Planning: 5. Architectural Design of Public Buildings and Facilities.
Summary of the subject: The practical course aims to develop an idea for students about the initial stage of designing – a comprehensive study of the architectural and design environment. Objectives of studying the discipline: - acquainting students with the tasks, content and procedures of artistic and design analysis of the initial situation; - mastering the necessary actions and mastering the means for carrying out the pre-project analysis; - acquisition of skills to formulate basic requirements for a design object.
Assessment methods and criteria: Differentiated credit.
Recommended books: 1. Giedion Z. Vremja, prostranstvo, arhitektura. [Space, Time and Architecture: The Growth of a New Tradition]. – M.: Strojizdat, 1977. – 170s. [in Russian]. 2. DBN V. 2.2-9-2018. Gromads'kі budіvlі ta sporudi. Osnovnі polozhennja. [Public buildings and structures. Substantive provisions].– K: Mіnregіonbud Ukraini, 2018. – 84s. [in Ukrainian]. 3. Dzhons Dzh. Inzhenernoe i hudozhestvennoe konstruirovanie. Sovremennye metody proektnogo analiza [Engineering and art design. Modern methods of project analysis]. –M.: Mir. 1976. – 374s. [in Russian]. 4. Lіnda S. Arhіtekturne proektuvannja gromads'kih budіvel' і sporud.[Architectural design of public buildings and structures]. – L : NU «L'vіvs'ka polіtehnіka», 2013. – 642s. [in Ukrainian]. 5. Linch K. Obraz goroda. [The Image of the City]. – M.: Strojizdat, 1982 – 327s. [in Russian]. 6. Mihajlenko V., Jаkovljev M. Osnovi kompozicіi (geometrichnі aspekti hudozhn'ogo formotvorennja). [Fundamentals of composition (geometric aspects of artistic shaping)].– K.: Karavella, 2004. – 304s.[in Ukrainian]. 7. Nojfert E. Budіvel'ne proektuvannja. [Architects' Data].– D.: «Knizhkova lіtera», 2016 – 624s. [in Ukrainian]. 8. Proskurjakov V. Kompleks zavdan' ta metodichnі vkazіvki do kursovih proektіv z dizajnu arhіtekturnogo seredoviwa gromads'kih budіvel' і sporud dlja studentіv Іnstitutu arhіtekturi ІІІ-V kursіv: metodichnі vkazіvki. – L: NU «L'vіvs'ka polіtehnіka», 2009. – 144s. [in Ukrainian]. 9. Barkhin B. G. Metodika arkhitekturnogo proyektirovaniya: Uchebno-metodicheskoye posobiye dlya vuzov.[Technique of architectural design: educational-methodical manual for universities]. – M.: Stroyizdat, 1982. – 224s. [in Russian]. 10. Ragon M. Goroda budushchego.[Cities of the future].–M.: Mir, 1969. – 327s. [in Russian]. 11. Ching Francis Architecture: Form, Space & Order. – NY: Publ. by V. N. Reinhold, 1979. – 395p.

Complex Investigation of Architectural and Urban Planning Object

Major: Architecture and Urban Planning
Code of subject: 7.191.03.E.103
Credits: 3.00
Department: Architectural Environment Design
Lecturer: Ph.D., Associate Professor Yurii Dzhyhil; Ph.D., Associate Professor Myroslav Yatsiv; Associate Professor Bohdan Goy; Associate Professor Ivanna Voronkova; Associate Professor Serhii Ivanov-Kostetskyi; Senior Lecturer Roman Kubai; Senior Lecturer Yuliia Bohdanova; Senior Lecturer Ihor Kopyliak.
Semester: 2 семестр
Mode of study: денна
Learning outcomes: As a result of studying the discipline, the architect should know: - theoretical basis of pre-project study of urban and architectural features of the existing architectural environment; - Functional and spatial basis of pre-project analysis of organization of public buildings of different purpose; - peculiarities and regularities of compositional formation of architectural space of public buildings in the existing urban environment. A trained architect should be able to: - comprehensively investigate a given environment for design; - to apply in practice the regularities of designing public buildings of different purpose in the existing urban environment; - take into account the architectural and climatic factors of a given design environment.
Required prior and related subjects: 1. Architectural Constructions of Buildings and Structures; 2. Fundamentals and Methods of Architectural Design; 3. Architectural Physics (climatology, acoustics); 4. Fundamentals of Urban Planning: 5. Architectural Design of Public Buildings and Facilities.
Summary of the subject: The practical course aims to develop an idea for students about the initial stage of designing – a comprehensive study of the architectural and design environment. Objectives of studying the discipline: - acquainting students with the tasks, content and procedures of artistic and design analysis of the initial situation; - mastering the necessary actions and mastering the means for carrying out the pre-project analysis; - acquisition of skills to formulate basic requirements for a design object.
Assessment methods and criteria: Differentiated credit.
Recommended books: 1. Giedion Z. Vremja, prostranstvo, arhitektura. [Space, Time and Architecture: The Growth of a New Tradition]. – M.: Strojizdat, 1977. – 170s. [in Russian]. 2. DBN V. 2.2-9-2018. Gromads'kі budіvlі ta sporudi. Osnovnі polozhennja. [Public buildings and structures. Substantive provisions].– K: Mіnregіonbud Ukraini, 2018. – 84s. [in Ukrainian]. 3. Dzhons Dzh. Inzhenernoe i hudozhestvennoe konstruirovanie. Sovremennye metody proektnogo analiza [Engineering and art design. Modern methods of project analysis]. –M.: Mir. 1976. – 374s. [in Russian]. 4. Lіnda S. Arhіtekturne proektuvannja gromads'kih budіvel' і sporud.[Architectural design of public buildings and structures]. – L : NU «L'vіvs'ka polіtehnіka», 2013. – 642s. [in Ukrainian]. 5. Linch K. Obraz goroda. [The Image of the City]. – M.: Strojizdat, 1982 – 327s. [in Russian]. 6. Mihajlenko V., Jаkovljev M. Osnovi kompozicіi (geometrichnі aspekti hudozhn'ogo formotvorennja). [Fundamentals of composition (geometric aspects of artistic shaping)].– K.: Karavella, 2004. – 304s.[in Ukrainian]. 7. Nojfert E. Budіvel'ne proektuvannja. [Architects' Data].– D.: «Knizhkova lіtera», 2016 – 624s. [in Ukrainian]. 8. Proskurjakov V. Kompleks zavdan' ta metodichnі vkazіvki do kursovih proektіv z dizajnu arhіtekturnogo seredoviwa gromads'kih budіvel' і sporud dlja studentіv Іnstitutu arhіtekturi ІІІ-V kursіv: metodichnі vkazіvki. – L: NU «L'vіvs'ka polіtehnіka», 2009. – 144s. [in Ukrainian]. 9. Barkhin B. G. Metodika arkhitekturnogo proyektirovaniya: Uchebno-metodicheskoye posobiye dlya vuzov.[Technique of architectural design: educational-methodical manual for universities]. – M.: Stroyizdat, 1982. – 224s. [in Russian]. 10. Ragon M. Goroda budushchego.[Cities of the future].–M.: Mir, 1969. – 327s. [in Russian]. 11. Ching Francis Architecture: Form, Space & Order. – NY: Publ. by V. N. Reinhold, 1979. – 395p.